Chapter 72

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Chapter 72 The Bankrupt Heroine

    When the people in the live broadcast room saw Liu Yueting say those words calmly, they were all heartbroken.

    At the same time, the hot topic was brushed on the Internet to support Liu Yueting.

    The documentary simultaneously attracted many news media, and some fast-moving news media rushed to Liu Yueting's hometown to interview her relatives and friends.

    Soon, the "People's Daily" Weibo reported:

    "#19-year-old girl was cheated on emotional deception# Liu Yueting, a girl who was under 20 years old at the time, met Wang Ji'an, a handsome, rich and highly educated person outside school. The perfect man's The love offensive quickly moved her. Liu Yueting didn't want an RV or a wedding. Because she loved this person, she chose to marry him and have a child. After the child was born, Wang Ji'an tore off the mask of affection and wanted to divorce her. After the divorce Liu Yueting found out that the female neighbor next door was her husband's ex-wife. From the beginning to the end, Wang Ji'an only used her as a reproductive tool, and threatened her not to try to sue her and make trouble, otherwise it would hurt both sides, and it would be bad for the child... [Video]" The

    video is An excerpt from the Star Art documentary.

    Netizens who didn't watch "I've Been Tricked to My Child", saw the news and ate it together with the clip, they all exploded and were furious.

    [Let me summarize: Because Wang Ji'an and his ex-wife could not have children, he went to a technical school to find a beautiful girl with little knowledge to fall in love. Deliberately get a girl pregnant, and after the girl is born, immediately divorce the girl and remarry her ex-wife. The girl went out of the house, not only gave birth to a child, but also did not get a penny! The girl has no money or power, so she can only suffer from this dumb loss. Fortunately, the girl asked Du Dudu to write her own story on Zhihu, and she met Shen Jun again, so she had money to get the child back. If I didn't meet Du Dudu, I didn't meet Shen Jun, this thing...]

    [Knock. Is this man mentally ill? Want kids without spending money? To lie to other girls? The death penalty is recommended. Fuck]

    [This is a fraud, a criminal offense, and it is recommended to be sentenced. 】

    [Let me tell you about popular science, there is no criminal law for fraudulent marriage in real life, and registration of marriage due to fraud is also a valid marriage and has legal protection. Taking marriage as a bait, concealing the truth, and defrauding property through marriage, only those who escape with a larger amount of shoe money may be sentenced. And Wang Ji'an was emotionally involved with other girls, so this matter went to court and said no. 】

    【The criminal law can't do anything about him, so let the society punish him! 】

    【Dog man is really disgusting! ]

    [I am a client of Wang Ji'an, and I will not cooperate with their company in the future. ]

    [If the criminal law can convict him, Shen Jun won't just help him sue and get the child back! This pair of dog men and women cannot be punished by the law, so let them live rather than die! ]

    #Shen Jun withdrew the recommendation on the homepage, and the hot topic of the main push documentary# was also topped by the hot search.

    Netizens were so moved by Shen Jun's move that they burst into tears——

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