Chapter 92

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Chapter 92

    That night, Shen Jun slept very soundly because of Shang Qi's good night sleep.

    After she became pregnant, she ate well, slept well, and preferred fatty and greasy fast food.

    Even though she lost weight recently due to pregnancy, Shang Qi didn't let her eat those foods at all. She has a fixed number of nutritious meals every day, all of which are healthy and light. main.

    But Shen Jun would still secretly order takeout while Shang Qi went to the study for a video conference, and secretly eat in the house by himself.

    When Shang Qi finished the meeting, he immediately cleaned up the battlefield.

    Ordinary food can no longer suppress the greed in her heart, even if she knows that eating them is not good, she can't control it.

    Strange to say, she originally thought that eating these would make her fatter, and even her skin would have problems, but now, not only did she not, but her body felt lighter and her skin became very transparent?

    Even the nurse was envious, saying that she had the best skin among expectant mothers she had ever seen.

    There is also Xiang Yi who has a similar situation with Shen Jun.

    However, although Xiang Yi also has a great desire for those junk food, she is very able to restrain this desire, and most of the time she eats nutritional supplements.

    She has paid great attention to maintenance, but the acne on her face is still not getting better, which makes her particularly irritable.

    When my aunt saw her like this, she was also very heartbroken.

    She wakes up every night and sees Xiang Yi's face full of pus and blood, and she feels uncomfortable and scary.

    Two in the morning.

    Xiang Yi wants to go to the toilet and wakes up her aunt.

    Aunt rubbed her sleepy eyes and helped Xiang Yi to get up, and when she saw her face, she exclaimed in fright, and then scolded and complained,

    "You've been eating normally recently, why are you still looking like this ghost?"

    Xiang Yi is used to it. My aunt was cursing, and she didn't bother to talk to her.

    After going to the toilet, she came back and lay down. She couldn't sleep. She took out her mobile phone and started to swipe Weibo.

    She swiped Shen Jun's news again.

    Shen Jun's girl group is on fire.

    Shen Jun's TV series is on fire.

    Shen Jun's company was about to go bankrupt, but because the contract artist was the prince who was kidnapped by Blueport Airlines for many years, he came back to life, and gained a good reputation with "The Beggar's Apocalypse".

    Seeing these news, the anger in Xiang Yi's chest almost burst out.

    Why is she Shen Jun soaring up?

    Her jealousy, mixed with so many mixed emotions, caused a throbbing pain in her stomach.

    It doesn't matter, when she gives birth to this child, she will be able to turn defeat into victory.

    At that time, Shen Jun will inevitably climb up and down.

    How high she stands now, how hard she will fall in the future.

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