Chapter 97

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Chapter 97

    Rutabaga was frightened by Shen Jun's arrogance.

    You know, even a top-level great writer can hardly get a guaranteed high price of 1,500 words per thousand words. Even a top-level great writer, it is impossible for this book to sell all copyrights.

    Shen Jun not only promised him that all books under his pseudonym would be guaranteed at 1,500 characters, but also promised to buy the film and television copyright of his next novel.

    For authors, being able to sell copyrights is like a windfall, and such opportunities are rare. Even if he doesn't sell the copyright and has this guaranteed price, he doesn't have to worry about whether the subject of the new book can keep up with the popularity, and he doesn't have to think hard to study the popular subject.

    With this guaranteed price, he can write about the unpopular topics he wants to write to his heart's content!

    Even if he can no longer write in the future, he can pass the pen name to the children and let the children write.

    It doesn't matter if he doesn't have children, he goes on a blind date when he gets home, and quickly gets married and makes a man! Be sure to nurture the child before he retires!

    As long as Xingyi does not go bankrupt, he and his children will not lose their jobs!

    Another, although the copyright price of his "Terror Mine" is not low, but after deducting tax, and then dividing it with the platform 50-50, he only has 2 million in his hands.

    If he cooperates with Shen Jun and sells the copyright of this film and television in eight figures, there is no intermediate agency fee, and tax is deducted, and he will have eight to nine million in his hands, right?

    So delicious!

    Isn't Xingyi's high-priced guarantee and high-priced copyright not fragrant! ?

    Why does he still stay on that unfair trash platform?

    Rutabaga signed a contract with Shen Jun, and finally had the courage to challenge Big Goose! Finally, I no longer have to worry about being suppressed, blocked, and no longer making money!

    On the Gong taxi back from Shen Jun's house, Ru Cai received a message from the fan group management.

    [Group management]: "Cai Cai, are you okay? You haven't spoken in the group for a month, and the "Terror Mine" episode has not been updated for a long time! Are you going to open a new pit? Or is it because of plagiarism? [

    Group management]: "Cai Cai, the color palette made by our fan group has been posted on the Internet, and we will help you report "Castle of Terror" for plagiarism. However, there is no large number on Weibo to help us forward the color palette. , the website doesn't care about the plagiarism of "Castle of Horror" at all! Caicai, we also heard that you didn't speak up because the big goose threatened you! Is it true?"     [Group management]: "Caicai, you don't have to Go back, we all know, we saw the breaking news posted by a resigned editor of Big Goose on the forum. Big Goose does not allow you to speak, and you are not allowed to sue for plagiarism, otherwise you will be blocked across the board. How can you be an author with capital What about confrontation?"     [Group management]: "Cai Cai, you have to take good care of yourself! If you can't fight, don't fight! We will silently support you!"     Seeing the message from the group management, Da Tau Cai was filled with emotion and tears. wow wow.     When he learned that he had been plagiarized, he immediately went to the editor, but the editor not only ignored the matter, but also told him not to speak up.     The work is the hard work of the author. The work is plagiarized, the child is stolen, but the father is not allowed to sue. That is a shame.     Because of this incident, rutabaga was upset for almost a month, and even suffered from insomnia, showing signs of depression.     In the middle of the night, he would wake up crying, even a big man.     As a fresh graduate, he thought that freelance work would not face a lot of capital pressure, but he did not expect that even if he was writing at home, freelance work would also face capital pressure.     That kind of pain is nowhere to be heard. He can't sue plagiarists, or even complain about the inner platform on the public platform. That kind of blow is destroying his spirit little by little.     He finally chose to compromise with capital. He chose to bow his head in front of reality. After all, he wanted to survive, to live, to adopt his parents and his junior high school sister.     Just when he was in despair, Shen Jun's appearance was tantamount to a nobleman who suddenly stretched out his hand to pull him out of his despair.

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