Chapter 80

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Chapter 80 The Broken Fetus

    "Dream Back to 1937" ends when the eldest sister reveals the explosives. As a TV series, the overall rhythm and plot control are not bad.

    In just one episode, the characters' personalities and relationships are clearly explained.

    After watching the episode, at least Shen Jun has a deep impression on Huang Rongmu, an old man who is both righteous and evil.

    This old man did a lot of bad things when he was young, but at the same time he also opened positions to help the people and relieve the victims. In this chaotic world, he is the great villain in people's mouths, and also the great good people in people's mouths.

    He lost his son and daughter in old age, and he expressed his love to his brothers. He was also very good to the four girls he had just met. He even treated Cui Min and Cui Yue as his own daughter, focusing on training. At the end of the first episode, the character Huang Rongmu was on the hot search.

    The person who plays Huang Rongmu is Guo Guowei, an 84-year-old artist in the circle. In recent years, the film and television market has not been good, and the elderly actors have been squeezed tragically.

    When Shen Jun chose this script, he felt that Guo Guowei was suitable for the role of Huang Rongmu.

    It's not that he thinks his acting is good, but that she thinks he looks alike!

    Shen Jun did not expect that Guo Guowei would be able to test out the essence of Huang Rongmu.

    This kind of evil old man who kills without blinking his eyes will soften his heart because Sister Qi is coquettish, and pout cute because of his coquetry. In the first episode, there is a scene where Huang Rongmu is murdered because of his subordinate's mistake, and Sister Qi takes it as a cry of fright.

    Huang Rongmu whispered to coax: "Little darling, why are you crying?"

    Sister Qi: "You kill! You are a villain!"

    Huang Rongmu's heart was about to melt: "Well, don't kill, master listen to you and don't kill , don't cry, don't cry. My sweetheart, can't it be good for Master's heart to show you?"

    Sister Qi crossed her arms and snorted, "No! Unless you make a pig nose for me!"

    Huang Rongmu has always been stern , always with a straight face, in order to coax sister Qi, actually put down her body to make a face to sister Qi.

    So after the first episode, two topics have been on the hot search.

    # Meng fierce Meng fierce Huang Rongmu#

    # Cool Sa you elder sister! #

    Under the first topic, netizens commented:

    [Fuck, Huang Rongmu is fierce and cute, like the serious old German shepherd in my family! ]

    [Old German Shepherd has a picture hahaha! 】

    【The rhythm of this TV series is so fast! In the first episode, the big sister is very good! ]

    [I haven't read the original book, so I'm just guessing... the eldest sister and the second sister are the goddaughters of Huang Rongmu's apprentice, Huang Yue Huangrong, right? ]

    [It's not arranged like this in the novel, the plot of TV and novel are different. In the novel, after the eldest sister and the second sister escaped by resourcefulness, they found Huang Yue and Huang Rong, and with their help they went all the way. Huang Yue Huang Rong did not appear on TV, I don't know if it will appear in the future. ]

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