Chapter 83

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Chapter 83 The Bankrupt Emerald

    When Shen Jun was sure that she was pregnant for less than a week, Shang Qi decided to temporarily work from home and have full authority to accompany his wife to raise the baby at home until her wife gave birth smoothly.

    It was hard for Shang Jian and Tang Ying.

    They finally saw that their amnesiac son could stand on his own, thinking that he could retire with honor, but they were forced to pull back again.

    Even if the silly son can handle most of the work at home, the front line still needs the couple to fight.

    Why is it so difficult to want to retire early and engage in a two-person world?

    They made a rough calculation, Shen Jun was about to get pregnant, and the silly son would definitely bring the child. Before and after, it will take two years.

    This means that the couple's retirement has been postponed for another two years.

    so tired.

    I thought that a genius son would manage the company and retire early.

    Unexpectedly, his son lost his memory and became an infatuated kind who takes care of his wife and family. From a domineering president who takes charge of his own side, he became a stupid son who "eats the old".

    What can they do?

    My son, of course, loves him, propping up a naive little blue sky for him!

    Shang Jian: ... TT

    Tang Ying: ... TT

    weekend, Shen Jun invited Kong Que to go to the auction together.

    I heard that there will be a unique yellow diamond in today's auction, which is more complete and bigger than the one given to her by Kong Que's husband.

    There is also an emerald necklace, called the crown of emeralds.

    In order to prevent the two from showing off their affection, before leaving, Kong Que reiterated: "Don't bring my husband. I didn't bring my husband, and you are not allowed.

    " "

    When going out, Shang Qi put on his backpack, holding a parasol in one hand and a thermos cup in the other.

    The cup is filled with health tea that is beneficial to the health of pregnant women. He specially found someone to prepare it for Shen Jun's physique.

    Shen Jun walked to the entrance of the entrance and wanted to bend over to change his shoes, but was robbed by Shang Qi.     He took the initiative to squat

    down to change Shen Jun's shoes, and instructed: "You don't have to do this kind of bending over in the future, just tell me."

The deputy wanted to follow the posture of going out and said, "Kong Que said, this is a sister party, without a husband. Don't go, if you go, it will be unfair to her."

    Shang Qi tied her shoelaces for her, his face Bu Hongxin said: "I didn't ask you to take it with me, can't I go with my long legs?"

    Shen Jun: "You are cheating."

    Shang Qi raised his face to look at her, reached out and rubbed her full body Little face: "Baby, I'm an adult, you don't need you to take me out, I'll follow you, quietly follow you, I will never cause you any trouble, you can just treat me as non-existent, okay"

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