We're Doing It - Chapter Eight

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Ant and Stephen were sitting on the 'this morning' sofa, waiting for Phil and holly to start the interview, as they looked at each other and took a deep breath in as Phil started to interview. 

"We're here with Ant Mcpartlin and Stephen Mulhern" Phil started as both of the boys looked straight at the two presenters. "So first off, how's Dec? We heard he's not very well." Phil asked first as Ant nodded "Yeah, he's doing okay, he was told to stay in bed and get some rest, and we thought no point cancelling so, you're stuck with me and Mulhern" Ant said teasing the younger man, which did earn him a smirk. "Well, we're glad your here." Holly said "So, have you guys started rehearsals for the new series of Ant and Dec Saturday Night Takeaway?" Holly asked mainly aiming the question towards Ant "uh yeah, we started...?" He stopped hoping Stephen would know when they started "we started about a week or so ago" Stephen said helping the older man out "So, Stephen, are there any interesting games for Ant vs Dec this year?" Phil steered the interview a bit more towards the younger man "Yeah, well I think so" Stephen laughed "We've got a few silly ones and a few where we may need a medic nearby, knowing how clumsy Ant and Dec are" Stephen teased Ant, making everyone laugh. The interview carried on mainly talking about SNT when they came to the final question on that particular subject "Yeah, so we've got a really cool series finale planned, I'm not sure whether we can say just yet though" Ant laughed "But it has taken a lot of planning to actually accomplish it" Ant finished as they went into a break. 

As soon as they got word their mics were off, Phil and Holly leaned into Ant and Stephen. "So, after the break we are going to start talking about the friendship you guys have, so when you two are ready to say it, just nod at me and I'll say something along the lines of 'Now you two say you have something to say,' that cool?" Holly smiled at the two men, who she could tell were nervous "I'm proud of you two, you know" She started "Not many people would have the courage to do what you guys are doing, you're going to make a huge difference and will help so many younger people apart of this community, you'll help them realise that they aren't alone!" she said trying to comfort the two lads the best she could, not knowing whether it would work or not, but she couldn't not try.  "Hopefully" Stephen said feeling incredibly nervous for what was to come. 

After the five-minute break they were back on air, both men incredibly nervous for what was to come. Phil and Holly did their introduction and welcomed all the viewers back "And we're still with Ant and Stephen" She smiled as she turned to the two men "So, you, Dec and Stephen have known each other for how long?" Holly asked the pair "Oh um, I think just under 20 years...maybe?" Ant said huffing out a laugh "I met them back when they were still on SM:TV so it's bound to be about 20 years" Stephen explained as Ant smiled at him. "Quite a while to put up with this guy!" Ant said still laughing quietly as Stephen playfully pushed Ant, giving him a look, but he couldn't help but laugh, they looked back to Holly smiling at her "Okay, well, we have been told that you two have something you would like to share?" She said half asking, as both men took a deep breath trying to calm their nerves, they both nodded at what Holly said. "Yeah, we do" Ant said turning to face Stephen. "There's been something we've kept under wraps for the last year or so, that we feel we should finally share with the public" Ant explained "So, we're doing this" Ant asked Stephen, which made Stephen laugh "Yep..." Stephen replied as Ant nodded for him to speak "This is something we know will split the audience and we know not everyone will like what we are about to say," Stephen started "but me and Ant are in a relationship" Stephen finally said. "We're gay..." Ant said afterwards, a bit quieter than the rest of the interview. 

When they actually said it, it felt like this huge weight had been lifted off their shoulders, like they could finally breath. When the audience erupted in applause, they both felt so happy, it made them feel so much more relaxed that these people accepted them. "We are, both, so proud of you two for telling us and the public this" Phil said calmingly, as him and Holly stood up and made their way over to the boys to give them a hug. "So how long have you too been together" Holly asked. Even though they had thought every part of this interview through this one bit, they hadn't, they had no clue whether they were saying that they'd been together for a year and ignoring the 'break' they had or whether to explain it. But the moment they looked at each other they both thought the same thing "Just over a year" they said simultaneously smiling. "I think you both should know just how proud of you we are, not many people would have the courage to do this, to come out on live telly. Well done, and we are so glad you two are happy together" Holly said as she stood up to give the boys another hug. 

As Holly and Phil finished the show, Ant and Stephen went back to their dressing room. They walked in and Ant dropped onto the nearest chair. As Stephen walked up behind the chair and placed his hands on Ant's shoulders, slowly massaging them. "We did it!" Ant says, letting out a long sigh of relief. "Yep, and the world didn't end" Stephen joked trying to lighten the atmosphere, Ant huffed out a laugh, as he dropped his head back so he could see the younger man, just in time for him to see the smile on his face, as Stephen looked down at Ant all he saw was Ant smiling at him. "What?" Stephen started "Have I got something on my face?" He finished, which in turn made Ant laugh, as he shook his head "No, no it's nothing" Ant said shaking his head "No, come on?" Stephen said teasingly, he started walking when he stopped and stood still in front of Ant, he slowly sat down on the coffee table in front of the older man, with a cheeky smirk "Come on. Tell meee" Stephen said laughing "It's nothing...I just- Well, I haven't seen you this relaxed in a while, it's nice" Ant said, making Stephen smile even more "Well, it just sort of feels like this huge weight has been lifted off my shoulders. I can finally be myself, even on TV and I don't have to pretend to be your 'Platonic best friend' anymore" Stephen said laughing "Yeah, I get that" Ant smiled. "Come on let's head home" Ant said as he grabbed Stephen's hand. They both stood up and started to make their way out of the 'this morning' studios.

Even though Stephen was more relaxed in this moment, he was only half telling the truth, he did feel like this weight had been lifted and he could finally be himself, he was still really scared about how other fans or other members of the public will react, will they accept them and if they don't what will they think. Stephen can't help but worry what other people think of him, it's hard not to care when you do the job he does, people are constantly judging you when you're a celebrity, you make one little mistake and it's the end of the world, and if you do something a group of people don't agree with then you'll have a group of annoyed people on twitter, tweeting at you every day, all day.

It's hard not to worry what the people who don't accept him will say, but he doesn't want to put all this on Ant, he so happy right now, so relaxed. He can't ruin that because of a worry he's dealt with, practically, his whole life. 

He can deal with it on his own.... Right?   

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