Flashback Pt Two - Chapter Twenty-One

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*Quick Sidenote, Ant and Dec aren't friends yet, they haven't met at this point in time. This is also a fill in chapter so I'm sorry if it's not great. It will also be quite a long chapter, since It's about Ant's first male crush (sorta)*

The sound of an Alarm clock was the first thing that Ant heard that morning. He groaned as he turned over in his bed and turned his alarm clock off, he sighed as he stared at the ceiling dreading going in to school. Even though school wasn't terribly hard for Ant, he was good at most subjects and he was passing most subjects, he had a good group of friends and the best girlfriend he could ask for, he still hated going, and even though he has got a pretty good group of friends, he does spend a lot of his lunch times and break times hanging out in the Drama room with his teacher Mrs Spencer. 

He eventually got out of bed when he heard his mother calling up the stairs to remind him to wake up, so he wasn't late. He got out bed and walked over to his wardrobe. He got dressed and made his way downstairs, where his mother was in the kitchen making toast for him. She placed it on the table in front of Ant as he sat down, and started to eat it. 

"Morning Anthony" Christine said as Ant took a bite of his toast, and nodded his head slightly. It was very early and Ant doesn't do well with waking up early. He ate his toast pretty fast, when he realised he was running late, he grabbed his bag and ran to the door so he didn't miss his bus. "Bye mum!" He shouted through from the front door as he rushed to his bus. 

Ant finally made it to school, and rushed to his Registration class, and as he got in to the class he looked around for his mate Kai. As he found his mate, he nodded and made his way over, sat down and put his bag next to his chair as he smiled to his mate. 

"You alright mate?" Kai said as Ant sat down, Ant looked to his right at his mate, smiled and nodded, Kai smiled back and asked Ant "Have you done the math homework?" Ant looked over again and rolled his eyes, knowing that Kai was going to ask that, because he never does the homework on time, always ask Ant the morning that the work is due. "Yeah, you didn't?" Ant said with an attitude, as Kai did a sarcastic laugh back.

"Come on, please!" Kai begged, Ant was going to tell him the answers, obviously he was, he always does. He grabbed the work out of his bag and handed it over to Kai. As Kai was copying Ant's homework, Ant raised his hand and asked his teacher if he could go to the toilet. His teacher allowed him to go and he quickly stood up and left. 

As Ant was walking through the hall to the toilets, he passed a student he hadn't seen in the school before, making him thinking he was clearly a new kid, Ant was instantly drawn in by him, but he couldn't think why. Once Ant had realised he was staring at the guy, he quickly turned to face the floor. When he looked back up, this new kid was just passing by Ant, and was smiling at the young Geordie boy, which made Ant feel strangely nervous, Ant just shook it off and continued walking. 


It was time for lunch now, and Ant, Kai and their other mate Dom, all made their way into the canteen. As they walked in Kai went and sat at a table with his packed lunch and Ant and Dom went to buy their lunch. And as they got in the queue, Ant and Dom started talking about their English project, and about other random things, one of those things being whether Ant had come to a decision on whether he was going to audition for a show that is filmed in Newcastle near where he lives called 'Byker Grove.' 

"I don't know mate- I mean... is acting really my thing though?" Ant said as he let out a sigh and the queue got shorter. "Ant you'll be great! I think you should give it a go" Dom said, trying to encourage Ant to give it a go. Eventually Ant got to the front of the line and got pizza and chips for lunch, as did Dom. They made their way over to Kai, who was sitting on the table in the corner with Ant's girlfriend, Ava. He smiled as he saw her, and as they got to the table, Ant went and sat by Ava and Dom sat next to Kai. 

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