Finally Snapped - Chapter Twenty-Two

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Right now Ant is in Australia filming I'm A Celeb, and Stephen was supposed to be meeting him over there, but unfortunately is running a bit a late, meaning he's not going to be there for another few days, because of filming schedules getting messed up. He was meant to catch a flight out to Australia tomorrow but he's got to film tomorrow and the day after, so he's two days late.

It's been weird not having Ant around the house, usually he's always there, but now that he's not, the house feels...Empty, to be honest, he misses having Ant around. It's too quiet without him around. Right now it's just Stephen and Hurley in the house, but Stephen loves having Hurley around, she gives the best cuddles.

Stephen was getting ready to leave the studios, at this point he was getting used to Michael being around, but the one thing that did bug him was how Michael treated Stephen differently to everyone else. How he treated the team or the contestants on catchphrase, compared to Stephen was insane, but also so small that no one else really noticed, Stephen thought for a while he was just being crazy or seeing things that weren't actually happening...maybe he is?

He was in his dressing room getting his things together, about to grab to his jacket, today was one of the toughest days, not necessarily because of Michael, I mean Michael was pretty hard to deal with today, but mainly because Ant wasn't in the house for Stephen to go home too, and even though he left for Australia 2 days ago, it was still... hard.

Michael had sort of calmed down a bit over the last week, he hasn't given Stephen that bad of a time. Stephen thought that, maybe, Michael was finally going to treat him the same way he treats the rest of the crew, but then something changed again, all of a sudden he went back to treating Stephen like crap and there was no one around for Stephen to talk to.

He can't talk to Emma about it because she's not going to understand, what if she thinks that Stephen's just seeing things that aren't happening. Ant is in Australia, who else is there for Stephen to talk to?

Stephen was walking through the halls of the catchphrase Studio, when he heard someone call his name from behind him. "Stephen!!" And he instantly knew who the voice belonged too. After the last 2 months it's hard not to recognise a voice that's been giving you hell for the last two months or so. Stephen stopped in his tracks, he took a deep breath in as he could hear the footsteps get closer and closer to him. He took a deep breath in and slowly turned around to see Michael standing in front of him, standing unnecessarily close to him. It's like he has no respect for personal space.

"Yes, Michael" Stephen said reluctantly. Michael was standing with his hands on his hips, "What was that today?" Michael said, leaving Stephen confused. He had no idea what this man was on about, nothing much had happened today, they had literally just filmed the episode. "You being so....Gay!! Why do you have to show it off so much, can't you just act normal whilst we're filming?!"

There it was. He knew that Michael was bound to have a complaint that wasn't actually a problem, and Stephen pretty much Always acts the same on camera. And when Michael said that, Stephen had lost all the strength to keep his words to himself, he finally snapped and told Michael what he really thinks.

"You know what Michael!" Stephen started, part of him wanted to stop, before he said something he would definitely say something he would come to regret, but he had to say something to Michael! "I have been doing the same thing on catchphrase since I started and today was no difference. Also you can't speak to me the way you do, It's blatant homophobia and If you keep doing it then I'm going to the head of Catchphrase." Stephen wasn't sure whether he was finished until Michael opened his mouth.

"You can't talk to me like that Mulhern!" he said. He's never called him 'Mulhern' before and Stephen didn't like it because that was what Ant and Dec called him. Not Michael!! "Yeah, well I just did and there is soo much more where that came from, so either you wise up and treat me like everyone else, or I swear to god, I will find a way to get you fired and get a new executive that isn't homophobic towards me!"

Before Michael could object or say anything else, Stephen just turned around and walked away. Slightly proud of himself for finally saying something to Michael but also worried, since Michael was still technically Stephen's boss.

Did Stephen just mess up? I mean they can't fire him..... right?

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