Let's Do This - Chapter Seven

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Today was the day, today Ant and Stephen come out!

They had thought over how to do it, should they do it on TV or Twitter, they had thought over multiple ways to come out, but they had come to the decision. They had an interview scheduled today, Ant, Dec and Stephen, to talk about their jobs and their friendship, but Dec was ill that day so they both decided that they would still go through with the interview and that's how they would come out! Both of them were extremely nervous, they had no clue how the public would react. They knew they would get support, but they also knew that in the millions of people who watch them, there would be a few people who wouldn't. They didn't want to have to deal with that, even if they knew it was inevitable. Even though they were nervous, they were ready to do this. 

Ant and Stephen were staying at Ant's the night before the Interview, they we're trying to figure out how to say what they wanted to say. Stephen had been thinking about what Michael said, and Ant knew Stephen was nervous about this, but Stephen didn't know how nervous Ant actually was. Ant didn't want Stephen to worry about him, when he was already worrying enough, he didn't want to add the list of worries he had. 

Ant had been worrying so much about Stephen, he hadn't really 'faced' his fears about this whole situation. He knew that Stephen would have anxiety about the situation, and he wanted to help him, even if that meant ignoring his own anxiety.

Ant and Stephen woke up the morning of the interview feeling incredibly nervous, they woke up extra early, so they had enough time to get ready and get to the interview, more time than they actually needed. their alarm went off at 6:00am and the interview wasn't until 10:00am, Stephen was already up and dressed, he was downstairs cooking breakfast. Ant woke up the same time, but he didn't get out of bed immediately, he kind of just laid there, staring at the ceiling thinking about this interview, thinking over everything that could wrong. Dec wasn't going to be there so he couldn't depend on him to talk when Ant was feeling, weird, he hadn't done many interviews with Stephen before, he's seen the interviews the younger man had done so he knew that he was good in these situations, but he knew this was different to any other interview either man had done before. Ant has been quite open in the past about his private life, and dating, all those things, I mean not always because he wanted to. It was almost impossible to hide anything from the paparazzi, he'd learnt that over the last 28 years of being on TV, so he was surprised he and Stephen had kept their relationship under wraps for so long, he was surprised Stephen was able to keep his whole private life...private to be honest. 

Ant had been nervous about this interview since Ali suggested they still do it, even though Dec was ill, and use it as their way to come out and both of them had agreed to do it this way, and it had only hit Ant this morning whilst he way laying in his bed. He was a lot more nervous than he had wanted to admit. He knew he wanted to do it, but he knew there would be backlash and he couldn't help but be nervous about Dec's career as well, I mean they are a double act, so these sorts of things affect the both of them.

Eventually Stephen came up stairs, confused about where Ant was. "Hey Ant?" He asked as he poked his head into the older man's bedroom to see he was still lying-in bed. "It's almost 6:45, are you okay?" He asked, Ant looked at the door and sat up almost immediately when he noticed Stephen, he had completely lost track of time. "Huh? Oh yeah, I'm fine!" He said smiling, he didn't want to worry Stephen right now, he had enough things to worry about already. But Stephen didn't believe Ant one bit, he walked over to the bed and sat on the edge of the bed closest to the Geordie man. "What's wrong Ant?" He asked sympathetically, he knew something was up, he always knows, he's Stephen. He always seems to notice the little things. He can always tell when somethings wrong, not just with Ant, with anyone. You just can't lie to him about these things. 

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