Meeting a fan - Chapter Fourteen

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Ant and Stephen had been in a good mood ever since last night when Stephen asked Ant to move in with him, and they were going to tell Dec today that they were moving in together today, the 3 of them were going out today, not really planning on doing much, just going out for lunch and maybe take a walk through town. 

Ant woke up first, he's so use to waking up early because of I'm a celeb finishing a week ago, and his internal body clock still hasn't registered the time difference. He's a bit more used to it, he used to wake up around 3 in the morning, now it's closer to 5:30. He didn't even have to be up for another couple of hours, they weren't meeting up with Dec until 1pm, because they weren't and because it was half 5 in the morning, Ant tried to be as quiet as possible, not to wake up Stephen. 

He quietly slid out of bed and made his way downstairs, he decided that he was going to surprise Stephen with breakfast in bed. So he looked around the kitchen to see what they had for him to make, which wasn't much. They still had to go and do the weekly shop, but they hadn't got around to that yet. So once he did a quick look around, and decided to do a quick trip down to the nearest shop for some bacon and eggs, they pretty much had everything else there. 


By the time Ant got to Tesco's it was almost 6am, Ant parked in the car park outside Tesco's, he got out and made his way into the shop, he thought since he was going he may as well buy a few other things they needed. 

As he was walking down the aisle looking for the milk, he got stopped by a woman who had an excited grin on her face. 

"Hi. Sorry to bother you, but could I get a photo?" The lady asked smiling, and even though Ant was still a bit tired and it was early, he couldn't say no, so he nodded at the woman, as she turned around so her back was to Ant, and took a photo with him. "Thank you!" the lady said, and just as Ant went to turn away the woman said "By the way, I'm really proud of you and Stephen!" Making Ant turn back around with a huge smile on his face "Really?" Ant said, half surprised, over the last few days he's been looking through twitter to see what some people have to say, and he'd come across more than a few tweets that were... less than nice. "Yeah! I'm happy for the both of you" She replied "could I get a hug?" She asked as Ant gave an even bigger smile "Of course you can!" Ant started as she made her way over and hugged Ant tightly "Thank you! It means a lot" Ant finished as the woman pulled away, smiled and walked away. Waving to Ant.

Ant continued to do some shopping, whilst thinking about the woman who said she was proud of the boys. 


Ant got back and it was around 7:30ish, and he knew that Stephen would wake up soon, so he had to cook this breakfast fast. He quickly made his way into the kitchen and unpacked the shopping. He started cooking the breakfast, whilst keeping an eye on the time, making sure he cooked the breakfast before Stephen woke up. 

He had finished cooking the breakfast by around 8:15, he put it on a tray, poured Stephen a glass of orange juice and then made his way upstairs to their bedroom. He opened the door slightly, to see if Stephen was awake, as he peaked his head through he saw the younger man lying on his side on scrolling through his phone. He opened it more, which finally caught Stephen's attention. 

"Morning!" Ant said as he walked over with the tray of breakfast "Morning... whats this?" Stephen said as he sat up against the head board. "I made breakfast!" Ant said with a smile as he placed the tray on Stephen's lap. "I see that, any particular reason?" Stephen said laughing as Ant went round the bed and sat down next to Stephen "No, no reason" Ant said smiling, as he placed his phone down next to him. "Well, thank you" Stephen said smiling, he leant over and gave Ant a kiss. "No problem!" 


Ant and Stephen were getting ready to meet Dec in town, when Ant remembered what that woman in the shop said to him, and that he hadn't told Stephen yet. After he came out of the bedroom, after getting dressed, he went downstairs to tell Stephen. 

"Hey, so guess what?" Ant asked as he walked into the living room, seeing Stephen sitting in the living room on twitter. "What?" Stephen replied as he turned around to meet Ant's eyes. "This woman came up to me this morning, when I went to Tesco's, and asked for a photo" Ant started as Stephen listened, quite curiously. "And she said something to me afterwards" Ant continued "What did she say?" Stephen asked slightly nervous "She said that she was really proud of us" Ant said smiling, which in turn made Stephen smile. "I know it's small but it's the first time since the interview that someone, that isn't our friend or family, say they were proud of us and accepted us..... It's stupid, I mean she was a complete stranger-" Ant started rambling on, he was starting to feel stupid for being so happy about it, until Stephen interrupted him. "Ant! It's completely normal for you to be happy that someone said their proud of you and that they accept you, even if it's a stranger" Stephen said, reassuring Ant.

Ant and Stephen sat there for a moment talking about random things, as they were waiting till they had to go and meet Dec. Ant asked how Stephen was feeling about working with Michael, they started filming for catchphrase in about 2 and a half weeks, and Ant could tell that Stephen was nervous, he was all to familiar with Michaels thoughts about him and Ant's relationship, and his thoughts about Stephen personally, and they weren't good in any way shape or form.

Even though, as far as Ant is concerned, he doesn't have to work with Michael, he can't help but feel a bit- eh, he doesn't want Stephen to have to put up with Michaels behaviour towards him.

Stephen sort of believed what he said to Ant, they are allowed to be happy when someone says to them their proud of them for coming out or for being themselves. But he's never really felt that before, before Ant and Dec there wasn't really anyone who accepted him, yeah his dad did, but it was complicated, he said he accepted him but he didn't show it very well, he sort of forgot it even happed after his mother walked away, he comforted Stephen and yes, Stephen has always been more comfortable around his dad compared to his mum but that doesn't mean his dad's been perfect with this whole situation, better than his mum but...

But seeing Ant so happy about this stranger saying that she was proud of him, how happy and confident that made him, it made Stephen so happy himself, and Stephen was happy that someone was proud of the two of them but he hasn't had it like Ant has. When Ant came out to his family, they accepted him straight away Stephen's wasn't so easy, his mother still doesn't accept him, even if she says otherwise, his dad's okay with it but can be a bit awkward around the conversation, Stephen doesn't really talk to the rest of his family, like his uncles and aunts much since they found out. His siblings do accept him, especially his sister, she's been there for him during the highs and lows.

He's never really felt that feeling of being accepted, he's felt it once, properly, when Ant and Dec accepted him, they were the only other people that he needed to accept him, he wouldn't know what he would do if they didn't, without them his life would be so boring. 

He's happy most of the public accept him but because of his past, when it came to coming out, now his brain focus' on the people who don't accept them, like when he's on twitter his eyes are instantly drawn to the tweets that have an issue with their relationship, rather than the one's that accept them. 

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