Moving In - Chapter Sixteen

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Ant and Stephen were officially moving in together today. (Finally)

*partially the authors fault they couldn't figure out how to write this chapter.*

Ant had packed up his things into boxes, with the help and Stephen and Dec, he'd put them in his car and started driving over to Stephens, well his and Stephens now. It felt so amazing calling it 'his and Stephen's place' he never imagined in a million years that he would move in the love of his life, but here he was and he couldn't lie, he never thought that it would be Stephen Mulhern. He couldn't be more happy to be wrong.

Ant and Stephen have been together for almost two years, if you ignore the two month break up (which we do), and they've been the best two years of either of their lives. Ant always thought he'd end up marrying a girl and Stephen, well he never thought he'd be comfortable enough with his sexuality to even get a boyfriend let alone move in with him and he out publicly.

Ant had been planning this day all week, so it can be as efficient as possible, Ant woke up at 6:30am, got dressed, ate breakfast and then went over to his place to finish packing boxes, Dec went over to help around 8am. He was finished around 9am and packed all the things into the car, and drove back to Stephen's and was there for around 9:45.

And if you couldn't tell already Ant was a bit OCD, he liked planning ahead and he liked when everything went according to plan.

He eventually got to Stephen's place and was greeted by Stephen on the front door watching Ant, who was trying to carry a pretty heavy box done the garden, he couldn't help but smirk as the older man, because he knew if he'd asked if Ant needed help, he would be his stubborn self and say 'no, I've got this.' As Ant was getting closer to the steps up to Stephen's front door, Stephen couldn't help but laugh as the Geordie man struggled to walk up the stairs.

"You know, you could help" Ant said as he finally got up the stairs and stopped in front of the younger man, who was desperately trying to hold back his laugh. "Yeah sure, you know the moment I ask if you need help, you'll say you've got it, because your just that stubborn" Stephen replied as Ant tried to argue with the statement, but it was definitely true. 

"Well- Just get a box" Ant said laughing, as he barged passed Stephen teasingly, making the younger man laugh, he looked back at Ant with a smile on his face, as he made his way down to Ant's car and grabbed one of the boxes and took into the house. All the boxes were finally in the house, and Stephen fell onto the sofa immediately after bringing the boxes in, as Ant laughed at the younger man. 

"No, come on, we've got to unpack" Ant laughed as he walked over to a clearly tired Stephen. As the younger man rolled his eyes. "Come on!! Just a five minute break" Stephen complained "It won't kill you" He laughed as Ant walked closer to where the younger man was lying down. "Stephen, the faster we unpack, the sooner we can rest" Ant said, standing over the younger man "Mhm..." Stephen said with a suspicious smirk on his face "What...?" Ant said slowly and nervously as Stephen sat up slightly, still smirking, he wrapped his arms around Ant's waist and pulled him onto the sofa, breaking out in laughter. "Stephen!" Ant shouted, whilst laughing at the same time. Ant eventually fought his way out of Stephen's grip, still laughing, they both just sat there trying to catch their breath. "Please help me unpack the boxes" Ant asked the younger man, who was still smirking, he turned to face Ant with a smile and said "Fine" he and Ant both stood up, smiling, as they walked over to the boxes and started to unpack.

By the time they had finished unpacking, it was almost 4:00pm, they had put all Ant's clothes away and everything else that Ant had packed to move into Stephen's... well his and Stephen's now. Stephen was just lying down on the bed, half asleep and Ant was just putting the rest of his clothes in the wardrobe. 

"So, you ready for Saturday?" Ant said out of blue, as Stephen's eyes shot open and he sat up as he was trying to remember what's Saturday. He thought 'Is it our anniversary?' and then remembered thats not for another few months. He was lost he couldn't remember what was happening and Ant could tell by the face he was pulling. Ant started laughing too himself as he reminded Stephen "Your parents and my mam are coming over for dinner. It's the first time their meeting" and as Ant reminded Stephen, he fell back onto his pillow. That was Stephen's way of showing Ant that he wasn't ready... At all. 

The older man turned around when he heard a small sigh escape Stephen's mouth. He knew that Stephen wasn't looking forward to the dinner. Stephen didn't trust his mother enough to not say something wrong, and he wanted this dinner to go perfectly, he didn't want anything to go wrong. 

Stephen has started seeing his parents more often than before, but he was still quite nervous around his mother, with a fair reasons as to why. But he really liked Ant's mother and he wanted his parents and Ant's mothers to get along, that's all he wanted. 

"Stevie, it's going to be fine!" Ant said as he made his way to the edge of the bed and sat down next to where the younger man was lying down with his face in the pillow. "What if my mam says something though and messes up the whole evening?" Stephen said, the pillow muffling his voice a tad. Ant pushed him slightly to make him face the older man. "Have some faith in her! She is getting better right?" Ant asked, as Stephen sighed "Yeah she is, but-" Ant interrupted the younger man, knowing what he was going to say. "You've got to have a bit of faith Stevie, I know how bad she's been in the past about this whole thing, but she is trying, just give her time, and if she does say something wrong... well then we'll cross that bridge when we come to it" Ant said as he rubbed Stephen's back, trying to comfort the younger man. Stephen nodded slightly to the younger man as Ant smiled "Why don't you have an hour, yeah? You look exhausted" Stephen nodded to Ant, he was too tired to argue back to him. "I'll wake you up in an hour or so" Ant explained, as he made his way out the bedroom, turning the light off as he shut the door. 

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