Chapter 12

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I glance at my watch on my left wrist as the loud bell rings. 8:55am. Home room time.
I am sitting, cross legged on the bench outside my home room. With my winter uniform keeping me warm, the wind blows the wispy bits of hair all around my face. I get up, look for my teacher and go inside as I spot her sitting at the desk.

10 minutes later

I look up at the board and see TO DO written in big black letters. Underneath, it has a list of things we are doing in our maths class. There are notes that need to be copied into our work books for the new chapter we are starting. Chapter 4, Ratios.
The next 45 minutes fly by. Period two comes and goes and then it's recess.
I send a group message to Lenny, Milly and Abby.

Meet me at the secret spot, got a fun idea for my birthday. See you soon! :)

Tripping over my dangling shoe laces I run over the dewy grass across the oval and jump the rusty fence, being mindful of the scratchy wire.
I sit there enjoying the sun when Lenny and Milly appear, their breathing heavy from running. We wait five minutes and then spot a figure that looks like Abby running across the oval, slowing down as she approaches the fence.

"I am so sorry! Got caught in my sport uniform by Mrs. Lito, I was supposed to be in my winter uniform!" She exclaims, jumping the fence.

"That's okay, we still have twenty minutes." I say. "I just wanted to ask you all if you are around this weekend for a little birthday celebration."

"Yeah! I am free, what's happening?" Abby asks.

"I thought you could all come over and we could camp the night on the farm. We could sleep in tents! What do you think?

"Sounds great!" Lenny says. "I'll ask Mum but I can most likely come!"

"Same here, I'll check with my parents but I hope I can come!" says Milly's hopeful voice.

For the next ten minutes we lye on our backs watching the strange clouds float by. Spotting elephants, tigers, dogs and boats we have a lot of fun.


The bell for the end of period six rings loud and clear. As crowds of students bustle their way to the lockers I spot Tom and call him over.

"I can join the soccer team!"

"Awesome! Can I have your number so I can send you the list of practise times and games?" Tom ask, a wide grin spread across his face. .

I give my phone number to him and say goodbye. Running to the bus I see teachers looking strict in yellow vests and I am glad I remembered my blazer.

"Afternoon, Annica." The bus driver says as I step onto the bus.

"Afternoon sir!"

The trip home is different today, without Lenny I don't have anyone to talk to. Looking out, I focus on the rain drops pouring down the window and the heavy, grey clouds ahead. Finally, the bus pulls up at my stop and I get off saying thanks to the bus driver.
Walking in the door I don't see anyone, and as I sit down my phone buzzes signalling a text message.

Unknown number
Hi Annica, Tom here.......

I slide my finger across the screen and type in my code. The rest of the message is a short paragraph about the soccer and what I will need. Then another message comes through and I see a photo. Clicking on it I see when training will be and what times the matches are. I can't wait!

Hope you enjoyed this chapter. Let me know what you think :)
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