Chapter 23

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Pulling out the old crinkled map, we all crowd around it. Stranded in the middle of a completely deserted highway we were lost. With no one in sight, I had decided to get the map out and figure out where we were. Four heads bend over it and we finally work out our location.

'We have to turn left at the next road. Then we will be on the road that leads to the city." Lenny points out where we are going to head. Already we can see the tall buildings, towering ahead. After a toilet stop on the side of the road hiding behind a bush, we set off once again.

One and a half hours later I am absolutely exhausted. I keep tripping up and getting confused at what my eyes are looking at. The ground is continually flashing black and white. I am beginning to get used to it, though I really hope that I will be able to see normally again soon; same with the others. I find myself being forced to walk again, the city drawing me in. With only about one more kilometre until we reach the centre of Melbourne I push myself forward, forcing my tired legs to move. I notice everyone else in a similar state. Abby has a pounding headache and we hardly have any water left, I feel sorry for her and give her the last drops out of my drink bottle. She is very thankful. I hope we get some help soon; with not really any more water, since we lost one of our backpacks, we are stuck.

"THERE IS A CAR IN THE DISTANCE!!" Milly yells suddenly "DRIVING TOWARDS US!!" I sense her level of adrenaline and urgency rising and it spreads through to me, realising that this could be our one and only chance to get help. I run onto the ash-felt road, heaving my heavy backpack off, leaving it lying on a patch of grass. The others follow, doing the same with their bags. Suddenly I have loads of energy, more than I have ever had before. I jump up and down with my three friends trying to get the drivers attention. The dogs bark and yelp, obviously sensing that we want to be as loud as we can. We must be quite a sight to see, four teenagers jumping up and down and two dogs barking in the middle of a deserted highway. As the car screams to a stop about three metres in front of us, my throat fills with dust/grit that has come off the car. The others run ahead up to the car and I hear a woman speaking, well it sounds more like crying, I wonder why? I cough, my throat heaving up the dust. After another final cough, I stop and run over to the wound down window of the black car. Firstly I think I am dreaming. But when she speaks to me I realise it's true. I know that voice, I have known it for my whole life. The woman in the car is my mother.


ANNICA'S MUM POV (her name is MAY)
Tears are streaming down my hot anxious face, running like a waterfall. They cannot stop, I am just so overwhelmed and full of joy that Annica and her friends are safe. I have found her. Everything will be alright. I'm sure of it.
The four faces in front of me are wet with tears also. I embrace Annica with a tight hug and I don't want to let go of her, afraid that I'll loose her again. My daughter, my lovely, beautiful daughter Annica.

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