The four of us sit closely huddled up together, keeping warm. After a few tears I begin to wonder what actually happened. I share my thoughts and Milly confidently discusses her opinion.
"I woke up from what sounded like glass smashing all around us. I looked out the window and screamed as I saw the huge gum falling. That's all I remember."
"If there was just a big storm, how could all the animals disappear?" Abby asks.
"I don't know." I say quietly, thinking things over.
I look over at Lenny who hasn't said anything. I know it's not the right thing to say but I ask him if he is okay. His normal bright happy face has turned to a silent sad expression. Putting my arms around him I try and comfort him.
"I hope your parents are alright." Lenny says and I can see him wondering about his own parents. I make a mental note in my head to remember once we are ready, we will go and investigate the neighbourhood and other family's.
We all agree and decide to go look for my Mum and Dad in the house. Silently I climb down the ladder, nervous at what we would find. Another part of me, anxious to see if they are okay. Stretching our tight legs, we run over to the house together and stare in shock as now, in the light we can properly see what the house looks like.
The tin roof is half squashed from the huge oak and the glass windows have all shattered, probably from the strength of the wind."It looks awful." Milly exclaims.
"I agree." Lenny says.
Abby and I just silently stare. I feel a tear slowly start to roll down my shocked face and I take a deep breath and push my fears aside. Feeling courageous, I step inside.
Twenty minutes later we are all carefully searching the house, calling and looking for my parents. I climb up the creaking stairs and yell. "MUM, DAD?" Letting my frustration out I kick a box in front of me which reveals an old soccer ball. I kick it down the stairs and hear it bouncing all the way down.
"I'm so sorry Annica but there is no sign of your parents." Milly calls up the stairs, after she had covered the three main rooms. I hear Lenny and Abby come to the bottom of the stairs and they are talking to Milly. I hear snatches of the conversation but from the tones of their sad voices I don't want to listen.
It turns out that in the house there was absolutely no sign of them. All my hope deflates out of my body and I feel helpless. We go outside and look for the animals, Benny sniffing and running around but not having success.''Annica, I think something major must have happened. How could all the animals and your parents just disappear? Leaving no trace?" Lenny says, and I feel I should answer him. But I don't answer, thinking it through I can not come up with any realistic reason why everything has disappeared. Neither can anyone else, Lenny included.
After hours of searching the property, we are left where we started. With no result and nothing found.
"Anyone else hungry?" I say, my stomach growling.
"Yes, I didn't really notice but now I think about it I'm starving!" Abby says, Milly and Lenny agreeing.
We walk back to the house, the thought of food making us sprint. Running through the open door we go into the kitchen, panting. There is still lots of party food left from what seemed like weeks ago, but was only yesterday. We snack on some lollies and then I grab some apples from the fruit bowl and we munch together, enjoying the company of each other.
Hope you enjoyed this chapter. Please comment, vote and follow!

Light and Dark
Genç KurguWhen Annica was 12 she had the life that you would expect any 12 year old to have. School five days a week and dinner served hot on the table. But on her 14th birthday all that changed, which left Annica, three friends and her dog alone, on a farm...