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"How was work today?" I walked into the kitchen area and began taking off my tie. Francis was already sitting down at the table, and he had finished setting it. I walked toward him, giving him a kiss on the cheek, and he looked at me. "It was good, went well, however, there is this one student in the last class I have that is making me wonder if he will be a troublemaker or not," I explained.

"Really? What did he do?" I took a seat and grabbed my husband's hand. "Nothing in particular, but I can't figure him out," I explained. Francis began to serve me food and smiled at me. "I am sure you might be overthinking; give it some time; I'm sure everything will be fine," Francis smiled. I nodded at him and began to eat. "Yeah, he and I have a meeting on Friday, so I will see how that goes," I smiled. "See, you got this! Maybe make a good impression when you talk to him," Francis smiled.

I met many new faces during the week, it was now Friday, and as I finished talking to each of the students, I began to wonder about how the meeting with Alfred would go. As expected, many of the students were in the foster care system or are in the process of being put there. Hearing their stories were hard, but I want to connect with them. I want them to confide in me in any problem they may be having.

"Mr. Kirkland?" A soft voice spoke, I turned my head toward the door, and there he was. He looked annoyed already and waited for me to say that he could come in. "Come in!"

~Alfred Pov~ (I will be switching to different povs a lot, but I will try not to)

"Alfred, he does not seem that bad, I met with him on Wednesday, and he seemed nice," my brother spoke. Mattie had Mr. Kirkland for another class, but I told him I wasn't sure if I liked him or not. Mattie was in some of the advanced classes and tended to care more about school than I did.

How could I focus on school? We were moved around in foster homes many times a year, sometimes we ended up homeless, then people look at us with pity, as if we need any more of that. I didn't want any of it, I was going to protect us, and show that we didn't need this stupid system to "help" us. "Are you going right now?" He asked.

"Yes, that's where I'm walking...does he know we are brothers?" I asked. "No, he knows I have a brother, not who it is," Matthew explained. We were twins, the same age, but our last names were different. It was because for a portion of our childhood, we were separated and our names were changed. We never bothered to change them, but I am sure we will one day.

"Just wait here, I'll see you soon," I spoke. I handed him my book bag, and he nodded at me. I'd rather he be the one to focus on school and eventually go to college. I'd instead work and help him pay for rent or bills. That's all I care about, my brother.

And if anyone disrespects my brother, I disrespect them.

I continued walking toward the classroom, it was nearly five, the time I signed up for. I better not hear any stupid questions.

"Mr. Kirkland?" I asked. I was starting to feel annoyed looking at his stupid face. He turned to look at me and gave me the sweetest smile; I wanted to throw up. "Come in!" He cheered. I nodded at him and began to walk in. I took a seat in front of his desk, and he placed his pen down.

He looked really put together, I could only assume he has a nice family. A wife maybe, with kids of his own who he treats nicely. He probably gets them anything they could ever want, and it shows. He must love being a perfect person! I looked at his hands, and as expected, he had a ring on.

I was sure he had a wife and kids; he looked of age anyway. "Nice to finally meet with you Alfred, I hope you don't mind, but I want to ask you some personal questions," he started.

Really? Right off the bat?

I looked at this teacher, and he smiled at me like he had sparkles radiating off him. I could only imagine that his mystical aura was from a fairytale. He was the shining, foolish elf that had magical powers. However, I will be the evil elf to ruin his powers and tricks. "Go for it," I spoke.

The Mystical and Foolish Mr. Kirkland (FACE)Where stories live. Discover now