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The other day after Mr.Kirkland left, Ivan didn't hit us. However, he expressed his rage by throwing stuff around and destroying things. I wonder what he said to him to make him act that way without hitting us.

"How is everything at home?" Mr. Kirkland asked. I shrugged my shoulders and sunk into my seat. "Do you want to talk about it?" He asked. I needed extra time on my test, so he let me come in after school to finish it. "No, I just wonder what you said to him," I started. He understood what I said and put his pen down.

"Don't worry, I handled it for now, but let's hope he doesn't revert anytime soon," he laughed. I lifted a brow at him and leaned over my desk. "Revert?" I asked. He nodded at me and scratched his head. "Abusive people have narcissistic tendencies. Eventually, he will burst, but who knows when," he spoke.

What? He knew he would eventually. How were we going to get out of that? "You know...we have been through many foster homes, and they warned us that if we misbehaved in this one, we would be separated, and it is like Ivan holds it over our heads," I explained.

"I wouldn't say you both are misbehaving; I don't believe any of the bad things people may say about the two of you. He is using a scare tactic on you both," he spoke.

"What? That wouldn't make sense," I spoke.

"Really? I see it as you both are his source of income. If you leave, his income from the state is gone. He fears losing that source if he scares you to stay and not try and run away. It is the only explanation to keep you around. Does he work? What does he do besides "take care" of you?"


"Exactly, that and he is crazy in general," he laughed.

I smiled at him and leaned my cheek against the palm of my hand. He was the nicest person I have ever met. I wish he would adopt us, but he and Francis probably want smaller kids. They probably don't want to deal with teenagers who have trauma; it wouldn't make sense for them to want us.

He began to scribble stuff on a piece of paper eagerly, and I tried to see what he was doing. "What are you writing?" I asked. He suddenly began to cover the documents and looked at me nervously. His face was red, and he began to laugh. "Nothing! Only research! Don't worry!" He laughed. I nodded at him, confused, and continued to finish my test.

I would look up to him constantly, but I couldn't help it. That's when my mind got the best of me again.

He wasn't my teacher anymore, but a wizard!

He suddenly had a cloak and fairies around him. He had a sword in his hand instead of a pen, and his hair was pushed back by these magical goggles.

The scenery around me soon changed.

We weren't in a classroom anymore but in a castle!

He was here to slay the evil dragon holding us hostage, the evil dragon called Ivan.

"Save us!" I called.

He was here!

The mystical wizard known as Arthur came to us on his horse. "Quick! Arthur! We have to save them from the dragon!" Francis spoke. He was a fairy that flew beside Arthur.

"I will use my wand!" Arthur cheered.

My brother and I were trapped at the tower's highest point as Ivan guarded us. "BWAAAARRRR! You can not pass!" He yelled.

"Oh yeah? Well too late! I have taken down your defenses!" Arthur yelled. He used his magic wand and levitated toward the view of Ivan, the dragon. "DON'T WORRY, BOYS! ARTHUR WILL SAVE YOU!" Francis smiled.

He began flying around Arthur to support him, and Arthur withdrew his sword. "I won't need magic to defeat you! It will be that easy!" Arthur announced.

He has soon slain the dragon, and Ivan fell into the abyss of darkness.

Arthur saved my brother and me, and we cheered with delight. "Yay! Will you be our awesome father?" I asked. "Yeah!" Arthur laughed.

"Right on!" My brother cheered.


I was pulled back into reality, and I saw how Alfred stood in front of me. "Yo, you were totally daydreaming for like hella long!" He laughed.

I looked at Arthur, and he laughed nervously. "Sorry, I didn't know what to do, you just started to stare at me, and Alfred came, so I let him wake you," he laughed nervously.

Mr. Kirkland didn't have the outfit I had imagined for him, but maybe it is for the best. Maybe I should stop daydreaming of a world where he is my savior. He doesn't treat us like a charity case, which I appreciate.

"Matt in the hat!" Alfred teased, and I ignored him.

Our teacher was a different breed that we had not experienced before.

"Mattie pattie!" Alfred began to poke my cheek, and I groaned.

"Mattie flatty with the big ol'phaty!"


"Oh? Did you hear that, teacher, dear?" Alfred complained.

"Ugh, must you both always bicker?" He asked. However, Alfred and I nodded at him with a smile. "Oh, we should get going, though," I spoke. I looked at the time and closed my test. "What? I just got here!" Alfred whined.

"He is right; I wouldn't want you two to get in trouble," Arthur smiled. He began to gather his things, too, when there was a sudden knock on the door. "What a surprise! I didn't expect the two of you to be here still," a familiar voice spoke.

My eyes widened, and I felt excitement.

"FRANCIS! WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE? I thought I'd never see you again!" Alfred said with joy and pretended to cry. "Ah, I dropped him off today. I was only picking him up," he laughed. Alfred and I immediately went to him, and I felt astonished.

"You should cook for us again!" Alfred started.

"Oh! Do you know how to make really good pasta? I can't seem to get it right!" I started.

Francis laughed nervously, and Arthur approached us. "Say, do you need a ride home? We don't mind taking you," he smiled.

"YES! PLEASE!" Alfred and I said in unison. "Yes, but take us the long way home and drive super slow," I laughed. Francis laughed at us, and we all walked out of the classroom. Arthur began to lock up the room, and we began to walk out.

The Mystical and Foolish Mr. Kirkland (FACE)Where stories live. Discover now