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I looked at Arthur and Francis; they were wearing the clothes I imagined. Arthur wore his mystical outfit and goggles, while Francis was still a fairy flying around him. "Are you really going to be our new parents?" Alfred asked. "Yes! And we will love the both of you forever!" Arthur smiled. Francis pulled me in for a hug, and I closed my eyes relieved.

"What if Ivan comes back?" I asked, scared. Francis shook his head and smiled. "We will make sure that never happens, we have the magical wizard on our side!" He cheered. Arthur took out his wand to show us, and Alfred grew excited.

"Can you teach me to be mystical too?" He asked. "Yes! But you have to promise to be good boys from now on," Arthur spoke. "Yes! Anything!" Alfred laughed.

This doesn't make sense to me...

How could this mystical being and his fairy husband be so sweet?

"Take us away, please...make all of it go away; I want it to be over..." I spoke. They both smiled at me, and Arthur approached me.

He placed his hand on my cheek and I felt my heart racing. "It is okay to want it to be over...if you really want," he spoke. I felt tears stream down my face, and I didn't know why. "Why am I sad?" I asked.

The scenery around us changed, and we were all in a meadow. This time, Alfred and I were dressed like Arthur. We had peasant-like clothes on but had capes like him.

"He's having a seizure," Francis suddenly spoke.

I looked at him confused and lifted an eyebrow. "What?" I asked. "Mattie, it is okay to let go...but I won't be able to go with you, it would make me sad," Alfred spoke. What was he talking about?

"Like being separated?" I asked. He shook his head slowly, "worse," he whispered. What did he mean by that?

My heart was beating faster, and I held it in pain. "What's happening?" I asked. "Come on...if you come with me, I can make it better," Francis smiled.

"I'll be the dad you've always wanted," Arthur spoke. I smiled at them and nodded. "Does that mean I can call you dad? And we can have dinner together?" I asked. They all nodded, and Alfred grabbed my hand. "He's okay, it was just a seizure," Alfred suddenly spoke.


"We can all be a family, I promise," Arthur spoke. I smiled at him and grabbed his hand. "That's all I want...I am tired of everything, of Ivan, the dragon constantly holding us hostage," I laughed. "Arthur defeated him, don't worry," Francis spoke. "Really?" I asked. "Yes! Arthur beat up that dragon and saved us! It is okay to relax," Alfred said.


"You can't separate them, please."

"We have to, Mr. Kirkland; there is nothing we can do."

What? What was happening?

"Bullshit! You can do so many things!"

"Please, don't make it harder for them than it already is."

I felt my eyes begin to open as I heard the echoes. "Mattie? Oh my god! You are awake!" Alfred spoke. My eyes took a moment to adjust, but he came into my vision. He had a cast on his wrist, and his nose had a bandage. "Where is everyone?" I asked, confused. I looked around and felt dizzy and scared.

I tried moving, but he stopped me. "Hey, calm down; you are in the hospital," he spoke. But that didn't help. "HEY,  CAN I GET HELP?" He called.

He grabbed me, but I freaked out and began pushing him off me. What happened?

What was the last thing I remember?

The dream!

No...that was real?

The Mystical and Foolish Mr. Kirkland (FACE)Where stories live. Discover now