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Trigger Warning: Abuse, Assult

"You are hurting me," I cried. Ivan was dragging both of us by the arm into the house. He slammed the door open, and Emma was there. "Go upstairs and don't come out," He threatened. She nodded at him and quickly ran up the stairs. Ivan threw Alfred against the sofa and continued to hold onto me. "Sit there, and if you think about moving, I will kill you," He threatened.

"Hey, Let me go!" I demanded. I tried to get loose, but he continued to hold onto me. "What? Don't you like this? You seemed to like that Faggots cooking earlier; I saw you eating all those macaroons," Ivan glared. I tried to get loose as he held onto my arm tightly. It felt like he would break it. "Hey, leave him alone," Alfred spoke. He looked scared, and he was gripping the sofa."Oh? You want me to leave him alone?" Ivan mocked. He began to laugh and aggressively held my cheeks together. He gripped my face hard, and I felt tears escape my eyes.

"No, I am upset at Matthew for eating those macaroons, so he is going to spit them out," Ivan spoke. My eyes widened, and I began to shake my head. "I can't, please; I ate them already," I cried. "No, you are going to spit them out, even if I have to make you," He hissed.

My eyes widened as he shoved his hand into my mouth, and I backed away. "No! Please, I will do it!" I cried. Ivan stopped shoving his hand into my mouth, and I looked at Alfred, terrified. I felt my body shaking, and I slowly placed my hands on my knees. My heart began to race, and my breathing increased. "Well? We are waiting," Ivan spoke. He took a seat beside Alfred, who closed his eyes, crying. "No! watch him do it!" He spoke. He grabbed Alfred's face and forced him to look at me.

It is okay; I can do this...

I can do this...

I stuck a finger in my mouth and began sobbing as I tried to make myself throw up. I closed my eyes, crying, and continued to breathe hard. I couldn't do it...

I tried shoving my fingers deeper and began to gag.

"Please, I don't want to watch this," Alfred cried. Ivan continued to hold him still, and he tried to look away. "Ugh, you are taking too long," Ivan spoke. He looked at me, annoyed, and shoved Alfred to the side. He walked over to me and suddenly grabbed my head. "Please! I will try again!" I cried. "Nope, you lost the chance," He laughed.

Without warning, he shoved his hand into my mouth, and I began to gag. I couldn't breathe, and soon enough, I began to throw up, only he still had his hand in my throat, and I felt like I was choking. I heard Alfred sobbing and begging him to stop, but I felt my legs giving out.

I tried to cough it out, but It stayed in my mouth.

I was starting to feel lightheaded and stopped trying to get away from him. "Please! you are going to kill him!" Alfred begged. Ivan threw me away from him, and I coughed up all the throwup left in my mouth and throat. Some of it looked red, and I was worried it was blood.

I was wheezing as I tried to catch my breath, but it was hard. "Gross, now you are all dirty," Ivan glared. I wiped my face, looking up at him, and I could see Alfred slowly getting up. "We are going to get you cleaned up now," Ivan hissed. "Please, Don't," I begged; however, he started to laugh.

"Leave him alone!" Alfred yelled. He tried to pull Ivan away, but Ivan pushed him away within seconds and punched him across the face. Alfred flew toward the wall and landed on one of the shelves. The impact knocked him out, and I had no idea what to do. Ivan was going to kill me; I needed to try and make a run for it. I could get help and come back for Alfred.

I stood up slowly and began to limp toward the door.

"Where do you think you are going?" Ivan asked. My hand touched the doorknob slightly, and I felt him grab me, pulling me away from the door. "Please, Please...I will do anything," I cried as he began dragging me. "Anything? How about we get you cleaned first," He spoke.

He was dragging me toward the kitchen, and I wondered what he meant by cleaning me up. Was he going to kill me? I would instead he do that. I began screaming for him to let me go, but he started to shake me to stop.

He threw me on the floor, and I watched as he walked over to the radio he had. I held myself close, and he began to turn it on. I watched him in horror as he began to dance to a song that was playing.

It was the Smiths...The light that never goes out...

He continued to dance, and I started screaming as he came closer. "The music is to help cover the noise," He smiled. "DON'T TOUCH ME!" I yelled as he tried to grab me.

"DoN't ToUcH mE!" He mocked me.

He grabbed me and pulled me up, but I still tried to fight him. "You are all dirty; We are going to get you cleaned," He spoke. That is when I saw it.

The dirty dishwater in the sink that Alfred did not let drain.

"Please!" I cried. It was hard to focus with that song playing in the background.

"And if a double-decker bus,

Crashes into us...

To die by your side

Is such a heavenly way to die..."

He brought me closer, and I took a deep breath to hold it. "You like his food more? Let's see if you like this," He hissed. I placed my hand on the edge of the sink to stop him, but he soon shoved my face in the dirty water.

I had my eyes closed and tried to move around, but it was too hard.

He would pull my head out of the water and shake me to make me lose my breath.


"Alfred...hey...can you hear me?" I began to open my eyes slowly, and Emma sat in front of me. I could hear music blasting as I tried to gain consciousness. My eyes widened, and she looked terrified.

"Your brother, he is going to die if we don't do something," She whispered. Soon I heard it—the noise of gargling and struggling. "I have called the police, but we need to do something," she spoke. She actually sounded worried for once.

"How long till the police get here?" I asked. "Nearly ten minutes, but we have to do something," She spoke. Her voice was shaking, and I knew she was scared. I looked around me and saw a vase that was not broken. "Stay here," I spoke. She nodded, and I stood up slowly. The music was still blasting, and I limped toward the noise in the kitchen.

I walked to the kitchen and stood frozen as I saw the sight. Matthew was struggling to try to keep himself up. His feet slipped against the water on the floor. Ivan was shoving his head in the water, and it was horrifying.

Then, Matthew suddenly stopped moving.

I was so shocked that I dropped the vase, which made a loud crashing noise. Ivan stopped holding onto Matthew, and he fell to the floor.

Ten minutes till the police come; I can deal with this for ten minutes.

"Maybe I need to teach you another lesson?" He asked. He began to take off his belt again, and I was going to try and run away from him. He stared at me keenly, and I began to back away. "Fuck you," I spoke. I started running, but he grabbed me and pushed me to the ground.

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