20 (Extra)

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2 years later

I swear to god! I am going to lose my mind!

"Ugh! Alfred! Hurry up! We were supposed to be there ten minutes ago!" I yelled. "I'm coming! Take a chill pill!" He spoke. I rolled my eyes and looked to Matthew, who looked unamused.

"I will start the car," Francis spoke. I nodded at him and waited for Alfred. "I'm going to wait in the car, too," Matthew said, annoyed. He was dressed in his cap and gown already, but Alfred was holding us up.

Alfred began running down the stairs, and he held his cap up. "I found it! Holy hell, that scared me!" He laughed. "Come on! Before your brother kills you, and I don't stop him," I spoke.

"Pops! You would stop him!"

"Don't call me pops; it makes me sound old," I laughed. I pushed him out the door and locked it behind us. "Crap! I forgot! I need to be more considerate toward your people!"

"My people?" I asked.

We began to walk down the steps when...




"Hurry the hell up! Talk in the car!" Matthew yelled. He had leaned across Francis and began to honk the horn. "Sorry, Arthur, he threatened me!"


We both went into the car, and I looked at Alfred. "What did you mean by my people?" I asked.

"I meannnnnnnn! That I should use a friendly term!" He spoke. He was genuinely serious about this. "Can't you call me 'dad' like Matthew?" I asked.

"Yes, it is confusing; he calls both of you dad! The both of you turn...every time," Alfred defended. Francis began to drive, and I sat back. "I suggest that Francis have the title of dad, and you will be GOVNA!"

I turned to look at him, horrified, and he laughed. "It is what British people say!"

"I LIKE IT!" Francis cheered.

"No!" I spoke.

"Well, how will they talk to us?" Francis asked.

"Unless you want me to be called mom?" He asked.

"It is either that or Pops! No in-between!"

"I kind of like Pops," Matthew added.

"Thank you! Someone gets it!"

"Oh dear Jesus, thank god you both are going to University," I whispered.

"Hey! We will still be with you!" Alfred spoke.

"Sadly..." I laughed.

"Mattie, do you hear that? He wants to give us away already," Alfred pretended to cry. "Speak for yourself; you should have come with a warning label!" Matthew laughed. Francis tried not to laugh, but it couldn't be helped.

~ Matthew Pov~

Alfred and I stood beside each other in the line. Our last names were changed to Kirkland, so we were at the end of the line. The bright side was that we could walk the stage after each other.

"Ugh! Why couldn't we take on Bonnefoy? We could have been done already," Alfred spoke. The line was long. "They did let us pick what would be the last name," I laughed.  "Yeah, they shouldn't have given that responsibility to a bunch of teenagers, terrible parenting if you ask me," Alfred spoke. I laughed at him and shook my head.

We had been officially their sons for the past year and a half. After everything that happened, it was a disaster. I had never seen Arthur....well...Dad... so stressed. However, he got a great lawyer, and much of the case went smoothly.

The last two years were the best; I couldn't have asked for more. There were still the present issues that we faced. Such as going to therapy, which helps. However, some things are better left unsaid.

Alfred still doesn't say what happened, which is for the best. I think we don't need to know the details of what happened, especially since it is still on his mind, whether he wants to admit it or not.

Both our Dads asked us if we wanted to stay in the dormitory, but we both wanted to stay with them longer. We were with them for a short time and loved it; why would we want to leave already?

I was happy that Alfred decided to attend university with me. A couple of years ago, I was worried he wouldn't want to go, but now, it was different.

Despite the trauma, we were both happy.

Things were better...

That was all that mattered, right?

~ Alfred Pov~

"Alfred Kirkland!"

I walked out on the stage, and cheers erupted. I shook the principal's hand, and we took a picture. As I grabbed my diploma, I used my other hand to give a thumbs-up. "Fuck yeah," I whispered.

I can't believe I did it!

I could see our Dads jump up and cheer as they saw me, which was terrific.

I began to leave the stage and waited for the end for Matthew.

"Matthew Kirkland!"


"Alfred! Go!" A teacher pushed me as I continued to cheer for him. The teacher tried to make me move more, but I slowly walked away. I could see Matthew laughing nervously, and they took a picture of him.

I couldn't help but smile as I watched him; I did not expect this outcome for either of us three years ago.


"That was amazing! We should order those pictures," Dad spoke. He pretended to cry as he hung up our graduation pictures. "Francis, you make it seem like they died when you do that," Pops spoke. He was drinking his tea, looking at him, annoyed.

I was sitting on the sofa beside Matthew, and Both of them joined us, holding us. "We are so proud of you," Pops spoke. "Yes, and we can't wait to see you graduate from college now," Dad said. I leaned my head on him, and he began to caress my hair. It was nice.

I did not think I would get this far in life. I expected to drop out or not go to college. I expected myself to help put Matthew through instead, and I liked this ending better.

Arthur Kirkland was not someone who helped us out of pity or a savior complex; he did it because he deeply cared, and I was too blind to see it at first.

He was more than a nice person and more than a fool or some mystical being I had imagined him as. He was our teacher...

And now he was our Dad...

There was nothing I wouldn't do for him and Francis.

The Mystical and Foolish Mr. Kirkland (FACE)Where stories live. Discover now