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I began laughing, listening to Francis. "That actually happened?" He asked. I nodded, smiling, and held onto him. "Yeah, so that means you are my wife now," I laughed. "Figured," he laughed. I nodded at him and continued to play with his hair. Alfred seemed like a troubled kid, but I could tell he wasn't bad deep down. He had walls up, and I was sure he wouldn't drop them for anyone. "He has a brother, Matthew, who is doing really good when it comes to school, so I wonder what's going on with him," I spoke.

"Who knows, there could be an infinite amount of factors; they are foster kids, after all," Francis spoke. I nodded at him, and I felt sad. I wonder how long they were in the system. I wanted to know all the details of their situation. "Don't worry too much; I am sure that he will open up to you within time," Francis reassured. He looked at me with a smile, and I nodded. I was still going to try and show they could trust me, maybe ask around about them?

"I don't like seeing you stressed," he whispered. I laughed at what he said and shrugged. "Yes, I need a de-stressor," I smirked. "Oh?" He laughed. Francis flipped us over quickly and soon began to kiss my face. "I will help you!" He laughed. I started laughing at his behavior and let him continue.

I was going through Alfred and Matthew's student records to which I'm allowed access. They go to therapy every Wednesday, live in a temporary family home, and seem to all check out from the little information I was given. They are both sixteen, and their birthday is July third.



The shout made me jump, and I nearly dropped my salad on the floor. "What? What's wrong?" I asked. Alfred was there, and he looked terrified. He urged me to stand up, and I stood up. "What's wrong?" I asked. "It's my brother! He is bleeding! I need your help!" He begged. My eyes widened, and I looked at him seriously. "It's okay, calm down; tell me where he is," I spoke. He looked worried and serious, so I knew it had to be. "Come on!" He demanded. I nodded at him and began to follow him.

He had led me to the gymnasium, and I heard shouting from the storage closets. "Matthew?" I called, worried. I began to shake the door and continued to listen to his voice, sounding scared. I looked at Alfred, who looked at me nervously. "Stand back," I spoke.

I removed my coat and began to back up. I was going to break down the door. I took a deep breath and charged at the door, breaking it open.

However, I was immediately surprised when a bucket of liquid poured over my head. My eyes widened as I heard laughing, and in front of me was a radio playing Matthew's voice.

"What the?" I spoke. I felt the cold liquid seeping through my clothes.

"You are foolish! This proves it!" Alfred laughed. I looked at him horrified and saw that it was only water that was poured on me. What the?


"Sorry, he paid me," Matthew came out of nowhere. He looked at me nervously, and I believed him. He only helped for money.

"Alfred, explain yourself! I am your teacher!" I spoke. I was a bit angry, despite it only being water. "Because I can! What will you do? Tell the principal? Like the last few teachers? I am just a troubled foster kid; they will let me off the hook once I give them a sob story!" He laughed. My eyes widened, and he pulled Matthew.

Was he trying to get me to quit or something?

I was starting to feel my blood boil as I watched him laughing. I wiped some water from my face as I saw them leaving my view. "I won't give up so easily," I spoke.

I was going to crack him!

"Mon Cher! Why is your coat wrinkly? What happened? I ironed it this morning!"

"Ahh, don't worry, love, it was just a small incident with the students; I can tell you later; I think I just want to lie down right now," I laughed. I threw myself on the bed, and Francis looked at me, worried. "Should I be worried?" He asked. I breathed out and shook my head. "No, I have everything under control, don't worry, love, it will make me worried," I smiled. He rolled his eyes at me and began to take off my socks. "At least change clothes before lying down," he whined. I laughed at him and nodded.

This was going to be difficult...

Every other day after that...

They were a bunch of minor pranks that were weird. One day he superglued my desk drawers shut. How did he even have time for that?



Supplies being destroyed...

Foil all over my desk and chairs...

Then today, he put a bunch of gum under my desks. How? Who is helping him? There was no way he was doing this alone. "Why don't you ask the janitor to do it?" Francis asked. I told him I was staying late at work today, so he came by to bring dinner. I was on my knees, going to each desk to scrape off tinge gum. "Because this is my problem to deal with," I explained. Francis took a deep breath and placed his hands on his hips, staring at me.

He suddenly began to pull up his sleeves and hair, and I stared at him, confused. "What are you doing?" I asked. "Well, I want to eat dinner with my husband, but he seems too busy, so I'm going to help," he spoke. My eyes widened as he bent down to the floor and lifted a desk. He began to use one of my scraping tools, and I smiled. He was too good to me.

"Fine then, we will finish this faster," I smiled.

"Do you know who is doing this?" Francis asked. I breathed out and nodded. "yeah, a student, Alfred. Do you remember me talking about him?" I asked. He thought for a moment and then nodded. "Ah yes, the irritating child," He laughed. "Hey! Those are your words, not mine," I laughed. "Well, they are kids, and I am sure they are doing this to release all of his frustrations, I guess there is not a good way to deal with this situation, but I am here for you, no matter what," Francis smiled. "Thank you..."


I don't know how this is going so far, but I hope you all like it.

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