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I was so excited to be in their car again. "Alright, do you want me to drive? I know the way," Arthur spoke. "I should be fine; just give me directions," Francis said. "Francis? Are you sure?" Arthur asked. "Yes! How hard could it be?"

I sat back in the seat and watched as Matthew happily buckled up. I hadn't seen him so excited in a long time. "So, did all of you have a good day at school?" Francis asked.

"Oh yeah! In my chemistry class, we made something explode!" I cheered. "Wow, who knew that going to class would be fun!" I added.

"Wow! That's amazing! And what about you, Matthew?" Francis asked. Matthew looked around nervously, and his face turned red. "Ah, yeah... I passed my math test," he smiled.

"Wow! That's amazing! I wish I could hear about all your successes," Francis pouted. I watched how Arthur smiled and rolled his eyes.

Arthur began to give Francis directions, and he started to drive. "What about you, Arthur?" Francis asked. "Ah! It was great, normal as usual," he smiled. How was it that they were so perfect?

Then suddenly I remembered something...

How horrible I was toward him...to Arthur...to Francis' husband. I would imagine and dream they'd want us as their own, but why would they after that? How was Arthur not constantly mad at us? At me? Why did he have to be so nice?

I am such an idiot...

"We are here! Call me if you ever need anything! You have my number," Arthur spoke. He turned to look at us, and I nodded. I still felt sad and guilty.

Matthew and I slid out of their car, and Francis waved at us. "Be safe! Maybe we will see each other again!" He smiled. "I hope so! Don't be stingy, Mr. Kirkland!" I teased. He began to laugh and shrug. "Trust me, I won't; I am sure he will keep bugging me," he laughed. We all began to laugh and say our last goodbyes for the night.

Once they drove off, Matthew and I began to walk inside. "They are so cool! I love them so much!" Matthew cheered. "Yes! But I'm starting to feel bad for everything I did to him; maybe I should say a proper sorry? Or do something nice?" I suggested. "That could be good; I will help if you need help," Matthew smiled.

We walked to the door, and I nodded. "Yeah! That would be great, thank you," I smiled. We both walked into the house and immediately was met by HIM. "Who was that? Why did you take long?" He asked. Sitting on the sofa, he began to put his cigarette out on the cushion beside him.

"I had a test to finish, and Mr. Kirkland offered us a ride home," Matthew spoke. Ivan grew pissed, and Matthew looked at him with this strange realization. "What? What did I say about mentioning his name?" Ivan hissed. "Well, we were just—"

My eyes widened as he suddenly smacked Matthew across the face. Matthew fell to the floor and looked at him, shocked. "Shut up!" Ivan yelled. He suddenly grabbed Matthew by his arm, and I stood frozen. What the fuck?  Matthew tried to fight by throwing himself around, but nothing was working. I was too terrified to move. It was like my body went into shock or something. What do I do? I don't know what to do! I wanted to cry for help, but I couldn't even do that!

Did he just hit him?

I should call Arthur to come to get us. YES! He would know what to do. But I need to help Matthew first before he hurts him anymore. I was sure Matthew would have a few bruises after what happened.

"Hey! Let him go!" I yelled. I tried to pull Ivan off, but he shoved Matthew into the nearest closet and locked it. "YOU! I am tired of you the most!" He yelled. He approached me, and I saw how Matthew began shaking the door to get out. The door was shaking uncontrollably, and I stared like an idiot.

"ALFRED! RUN!" Matthew yelled. "I'm not leaving without you..." I spoke. My body began to shake, and I grew terrified. "Hey..." I spoke.

I continued to back up, and he suddenly grabbed me by the hair. "This is going to be the last time both of you say anything to him; I will make sure of it," he spoke calmly. It caused my legs to give out, and he soon began to drag me across the floor.

"ALFRED! RUN!" Matthew yelled.

"LET GO OF ME!" I yelled. I tried to get away, but he continued to drag me. I wasn't strong enough to fight him. How could I be? He was stronger and bigger, and I was...a rotten kid. I tried to grab onto some of the things around me to stop him from dragging me, but nothing worked. Everything began to slip through my fingers. The carpet beneath me dragged under me, and I began to kick my feet around to gain friction. I used my hands to try and get my hair from his grip, but that didn't work either.

I continued to squirm around, but he held his grip tightly. He shoved the door open and threw me inside the bedroom. "I am going to make sure you are too scared to say anything again; no more smart remarks and no more running," he spoke.

I held my head in pain, and he walked into the room, locking the door. I could still see Matthew banging on the door as he closed the one behind him. "Please, I won't run again," I cried. I tried to hide behind the bed, but he came closer. "It is too late for sorry," he glared.

He began to take off his belt, and I wondered how hard he would hit me. "It will only hurt for a second," he spoke. I looked at him, horrified at what he meant.

The Mystical and Foolish Mr. Kirkland (FACE)Where stories live. Discover now