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"Yes, I will get the rice. Is there anything else you want?" I asked. Alfred didn't want to go to the store, so I went alone. I admit that I had been telling him to go easy on Mr.Kirkland, but there seems to be this disconnect. He is my brother, and I'll help him with anything he needs, but at this point, maybe that isn't the best idea anymore. "Yes, but I wish I came along; THEY are fighting again," He spoke. We were on the phone together, and I could hear our foster parents arguing. We have always been unlucky with where we were placed. Many of the people we were placed with only did it for the money and did not treat any kids fairly.

"I am thinking about messing with that teacher again; he is getting on my nerves," Alfred began. The way he describes Mr. Kirkland is very contradicting. He tells me that he sees him as this bastard who pretends to care but then describes him as someone who is overly nice and a pushover. I do admit that he is really nice. "Maybe go easy on him?" I suggested, and he began to laugh. When I had the one-on-one talk with him, he seemed normal; I believed he was genuine, but I knew Alfred hated him for being too nice. "Where are you? I think I want to meet up with you," Alfred spoke. I breathed out, annoyed, and rubbed my forehead.

"I will be home soon; hang tight..." As I turned the corner, I bumped into someone. "I am so sorry-...Mr. Kirkland?" I asked. We looked at each other, and I felt shocked seeing him. "HUH? DID YOU JUST SAY-"

"I will call you back!"

I hung up the phone, and Kirkland smiled at me.

I put my phone away quickly and smiled back. "Hey, Kiddo, I was not expecting to run into you here," He laughed. Alfred was right about him on one thing. It was that Mr. Kirkland radiated this energy that left me helpless. He smiled at me like he was throwing sparkles into the sky. I could imagine him as this knight that could come and save me if I ever needed him to.

"Ah, yes, I was sent to get a few items," I laughed. We stood in front of each other, and I could not help but peek into his basket. He had school supplies...I remembered how Alfred broke a bunch of his things...

"How is Alfred? I know it is the weekend; what are you up to?" He asked. As I looked at him, my mind was starting to get the best of me. Alfred and I had a history of dissociation. I could see he was talking to me, but I could not process it. I kept imagining that the world around us had disappeared, and he came to me like a savior. He would have a sword to fight off all types of bad people and protect me. Why did he seem to care about Alfred so much? Could he care about me as equally if I were around him more?


"HUH? OH! uh....sorry, what were you saying?" I laughed nervously.

"I asked how you and your brother were...are you okay?" He asked.

"Ah! yes, we are doing good...Is it alright if I walk with you for a bit?" I asked. I smiled at him, and he nodded. "Yeah, I do not see why not," He smiled. We began walking beside each other, and I felt my face turning red as I looked at him; why was he so nice? He suddenly looked at me, and I turned away quickly.

"You know, strangely enough, I think your brother means well; I feel like the three of us will get along this school year," he smiled. My eyes widened, and I looked at him. He looked genuine and sweet. "Yeah, me too...I'm sorry about everything; you don't deserve it," I spoke.

He tilted his head at me and shook his head. "Don't worry about that; I'm hoping that Alfred will come around, and maybe he will," he spoke.

"That reminds me...Alfred missed his test; you should tell him to stay after school Monday to do it. If I do it, he will walk out," Mr. Kirkland laughed. I smiled at him, nodding, "Of course, he will listen to me," I smiled. I was sure he was a great husband and father; Alfred told me he was married and had kids.

"Your kids must be lucky to have you as a dad," I smiled. He jumped at what I said and scratched his head nervously. He was probably in his thirties but had this youthful glow to him. "Ah, well, I wouldn't say that," he laughed nervously.

"No, really, I am sure you are," I smiled. He looked at me sweetly and nodded. "Thank you," he spoke. There was something about the way he said it that almost seemed sad. Maybe he felt bad for me or something.

"You know, it bothers me a little bit..."

"Hmm? What does?"

"That you have kids who have a good life...I'm a little jealous; I wish I had the same," I admitted. His face dropped slowly, and he nodded. "I know, and I may not understand everything you've been through, but I'd like to know; I want you to be able to come to me for anything you may need," he started.

"Maybe, in a way, I want to be that figure you want. I had a favorite teacher back in school who I always confided in, and I want to do the same for all of my students. Does that make sense?"

"Yes, but I don't see why you want to; many of the students are foster kids, and we will only burden you...unless you want to feel better about yourself..."

He suddenly stopped and forced me to look at him. He had his hands on my shoulders and looked serious. It startled me a bit, but I didn't stop him. "Matthew, you aren't a charity case that I do to make myself feel better or something. I am in this profession because it makes me happy...the students I have now just happened to be in certain situations that I can only do so much about...it doesn't matter to me. All students deserve a figure to look toward in times of trouble. Do you understand me?"

I felt shocked listening to him. He really did care. "Yes..."

"Good, how about I buy these things for you, too," he smiled. He grabbed the things from my hand, and I looked at him, shocked. "What? But—"

"No! Don't sweat it!"

"Alright, it was nice shopping and talking with you, Matthew; maybe one day we will run into each other again," he smiled. I nodded at him and watched as he walked away.

As I watched him, something inside me wanted to scream and cry.

"Thank you..." I whispered.

The Mystical and Foolish Mr. Kirkland (FACE)Where stories live. Discover now