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I had never eaten anything so good in my life. Matthew makes good food, but nothing like this. I did not realize how hungry I was until I started to eat the food.

Once I finally felt a little better, I looked up at Arthur and Francis. I was shocked to learn about their relationship, but I accepted it. It was not the family I pictured him to have, but suddenly a feeling had grown inside me as I watched them. As we sat here eating dinner, and they chatted about old man things, I felt this urge.

An urge to be a part of their weird family.

This setting is what I dreamed about when I was younger. This is what I imagined my adoptive family would be like. This feeling made me angry, sad, and resentful. Why couldn't I have been the lucky one? Why couldn't Matthew and I grow up in a home like this? It was unfair, and I hated it.

I looked at Matthew, who took a deep breath and closed his eyes. I wonder if he felt the same way. I looked back at them, and they seemed stupidly happy with each other. Francis would gently touch Arthur's hand, and I was jealous. I did not want them to have kids. I knew their kids would have a good life, and I was too bitter to accept. Why couldn't it have been us instead?

I felt my eyes begin to cloud with tears, and I couldn't keep it up anymore. I did not want to live this way anymore. I wanted to be with people who cared about us, but I did not know how to say it. Francis looked at me, and he looked concerned.

"Alfred? Are you okay?" He asked. That was it for me. I began to cry, and I tried to look down. "Hey, Kiddo, what's wrong?" Arthur asked. Matthew placed his hand on my back, but I began to sob. I was not usually one to cry, yet here I was.

"Everything..." I started.

"It isn't fair..."

I heard Matthew breathe out, and I finally looked at him. "We are in trouble..."Matthew spoke.

"What? What's happened?" Arthur asked.

"I screwed up, and now we might be separated," I admitted. We should not have kept running, but at the same time, I was glad that we did. I wiped my face and looked at my teacher sadly. "I didn't mean to stay late, but...it is all my fault," I cried. I felt tears streaming down my face, and Arthur looked at me, concerned. "Did they hurt you?" Arthur asked. "Not really, he just kept shaking me," Matthew answered. Francis looked shocked and looked at him concerned.

"WHAT?" Arthur asked.

"He almost punched Alfred! We managed to escape, but he is looking for us right now," Matthew spoke. "Well, you both can't go back, "Francis said. Arthur shook his head sadly. "They have to..."Arthur spoke.

We all stared at him, shocked, and he nodded. "You can't make us go back," I cried. "You have to because right now, this could be considered kidnapping if you stay, or you will be a runaway, and in both situations, police will be involved," He explained. My eyes widened at what he said. He was right.

"Don't worry, he won't separate you or punish you," Arthur reassured. What? What gives him that idea?

"What? he threatened us," Matthew tried to say. Arthur shook his head and smiled. "Trust me, I will take you both home and talk to him the right way, of course," Arthur spoke. My eyes widened, and for some reason, I was getting the idea that he would cast a spell on him as he did in my dream. "But! Relax, for now, gather yourselves; I promise everything will be fine," He smiled.

"Yes! My husband is super smart, Children! Don't worry!" Francis cheered. I began to laugh at him, and my tears disappeared. "I made dessert too! How about cake?" Francis asked. "Yes, please," I spoke.

I looked at Arthur; it was like the aura he emitted created something unique. When I looked at him, I saw this wizard who could fight off any evil. He had this outfit that looked as if he were an explorer, but he had a wand to show that he was this mystical being. When he smiled at me, stars appeared, which magically made me feel better.

"How was your day at school? Are you both passing?" Francis asked. Matthew and I looked at him, shocked, and he smiled at us. He was sweet and kind and made fantastic food.

"It was good..." Matthew started.

"Yeah, both of them are actually doing really well. Alfred even managed to bring up his grades!" Arthur cheered. I felt my face get red, and Matthew teased me. "It is because he wants to Impress Mr. Kirkland!" Matthew added. "Shut up!" I laughed. I began to nudge him back, and we both messed with each other. "That is amazing! I hope the two of you decide to go to university; that would be amazing," Francis smiled.

That feeling overwhelmed me again.

I leaned my cheek against the palm of my hand as I watched every one. Matthew and Francis began to talk about food while Arthur listened. Francis would tease Arthur about his choice of food, and he would laugh. This made me feel like I was part of an actual family.

And I liked it a lot.

"Time for cake!" Francis cheered. He brought the cake out after we cleared the table, which made me happy. "YES! I AM SO EXCITED! I LOVE CAKE!" I cheered. How can these two idiots make me feel so happy? This foolish teacher and his husband, who was so sweet and kind. That would be enough if I could imagine us as a family. I could go to sleep and fantasize about dinners like this every night. I could go to school and be excited to go home; was that enough for me?

I was afraid of what would happen if I wanted more.

The Mystical and Foolish Mr. Kirkland (FACE)Where stories live. Discover now