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"Please? We will get points for our grade! All you have to do is sign the paper that the teachers will have," Matthew begged. I told him Ivan wouldn't say yes, and I don't know why he kept trying.

Mr. Kirkland gave me a flyer too, but I didn't bother to look at it. "Fine, but if any of you slip up, you will get it when we come home," Ivan warned. My eyes widened, and I saw Matthew jump with joy. Well, shit, he said yes.

I continued to wash the dishes and caught a glimpse of my reflection in the glass. It was like I couldn't recognize the person staring back at me. I didn't like what I looked at; I was not too fond of it.

"What about you? Do you have to go too?" Ivan asked. He put an arm around me, and I flinched.

Please don't touch me...

"Ye—Yes..." I stuttered. He began to play with my hair, and I frowned. "Fine then, I will go," he spoke. He finally let go of me, and I breathed out, relieved. I breathed out slowly and heard his footsteps leave.

"Hey...maybe we should try talking to Arthur..." Matthew whispered. My eyes widened, and I nearly dropped the plate in my hand. I was scared...


How could this have happened...

Maybe because Ivan told me he would hurt Matthew the same way he did me. But was that true? Or was he trying to scare me?

Every second of the day, I am pulled back to the memories of that day. The sounds of his footsteps walking closer to me.

The gross feeling of his touch against my skin.

I wanted to die.

"I don't know; maybe we shouldn't...I don't want anything bad to happen; what if we get separated?" I spoke. "Then we will find each other again," he said.

"Come now; you know you shouldn't say stuff like that," I spoke. He looked at me sadly and shrugged. "I'm just tired; I miss them; all I want to do is talk to them," he spoke. I nodded at him in agreement. "I know..."

After what I said to Arthur, I knew he would not want us anymore...

The next day, we went to the meeting as planned. I was in a better mood for some reason, but I was sure it would go away soon. "As I said, don't do anything stupid," he whispered.

I wondered if maybe stopping by Arthur's room was a good idea. However, Matthew said he was offering the most credit, and I could use a grade boost after skipping and not turning in his work lately. We went to all our other classes first and decided to save his for last, just in case.

"The last one is Mr. Kirkland..."Matthew spoke. Ivan looked at him hatefully but nodded. "Fine, but be quick," he said. We all walked to his class, and I could see people coming in and out of it.

The laughter and energy emanating from the room made me feel better, and I didn't know why I was suddenly feeling excited to see him.

"Thank you! It was nice meeting you; your brother has been such a joy in my class," Arthur spoke. He was smiling as usual, and it ticked me off.

God, I hate my life.

"Hey! Look who it is!" A familiar voice cheered. My heart began to beat faster, and I looked at him quickly. "Hey..." Matthew spoke nervously. Arthur wrapped up his conversation with Ludwig's brother, and they left. "Ah, who are you?" Ivan asked.

Arthur looked concerned, and Francis continued to smile. He brought macaroons and held the packages up. "I am the macaroon, man! You should be proud to have such smart kids on your hands," Francis smiled. Arthur rolled his eyes and finally approached us.

"Nice to meet you again; I am supposed to tell you how your kids are doing," Arthur started.

"They aren't mine..." Ivan spoke. I flinched at what he said, and I looked to Arthur, who was concerned. "Would you like some?" Francis asked. I looked at him, and he smiled his usual smile. I walked closer to him so Ivan would not hear us talking.

"Did he force you to come?" I asked, trying not to laugh. It was taking everything in me to try and not seem friendly toward him, but I couldn't do it. "Yes! I am being held hostage by the evil wizard," Francis laughed.  Matthew and I walked closer to Francis, taking some macaroons.

"He is more of a mystical being, wouldn't you say?" I asked. The three of us looked to Arthur, who looked nervous talking to Ivan. I was sure there was tension, but I didn't want to deal with it. "Yes, like a magical knight who has a sword!" Matthew added. "Interesting take...maybe I should tell him about it later," Francis laughed.

The three of us began to laugh together, and that warm feeling returned. Francis was the best.

"What's so funny?" Ivan asked.

"Ahh, nothing, we were just having small talk," Francis spoke. Arthur looked worried, and he moved away from Ivan. "Who are you anyway? Are you a teacher here?" Ivan asked.

"No, Arthur is my husband, and I came to help," Francis spoke.

"What? So a faggot is teaching them? I'm sure you both have been doing something to them—"

"Whoooaaa, let's refrain from using that word; he is only here to help; we aren't teaching them anything outside the curriculum," Arthur spoke. I rolled my eyes at Ivan, and he looked at me, pissed.

"As if you have room to talk..." I whispered.

Everyone looked at me, shocked; it was like being in Francis, and Arthur's presence suddenly gave me the strength to say something. "What did you say?" He asked. I looked at him seriously and glared. "I said... As if you have room to talk! Do I need to say it louder? Or maybe I should explain it?"

He was livid.

"We are going...now!" He demanded.

Arthur and Francis looked dumbfounded, but I couldn't help but smirk. I was probably going to get beat later, but I was proud of myself for saying something.

The Mystical and Foolish Mr. Kirkland (FACE)Where stories live. Discover now