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I looked around me, shocked.

I was lying on the ground as clouds floated above my head. I began to sit up slowly and was shocked at the scenery. It was like a scene from a movie, a Disney movie, to be specific. Everything around me looked as if it came out of a fantasy genre.

"ALFRED!?" I heard someone shout. It caused me to stand up quickly, finally noticing my peasant-like clothing. "What the?" I spoke, confused. "ALFRED! Where have you been? I've been trying to look for you!" Matthew came out of nowhere, suddenly saying. "Well...I couldn't tell you," I laughed nervously.

"Come on! Before Ivan comes!" He warned. My eyes widened, and I grabbed his hand. "Let's run away then! Far away!" I suggested. "We have tried that already!" Matthew spoke.


This was weird...

He began to pull me back, and I looked at him worried. "Would it hurt to try again?" I asked. I looked at what he was wearing, and it was the same thing. "Yes..." he spoke.

We continued to walk until we neared the edge of the forest. "Excuse me! Can someone help?" A voice called. We stopped, looking around. "Up here!" The voice spoke. Matthew and I looked up, seeing a fool stuck in the tree. He was a Jester and looked stupid and pitiful. "How did you get up there? Fool?" I asked.

"I was tricked! Can you please help?" He asked. Mathew and I looked at each other, and he nodded at me. "Really?" I asked. "Yes! Help him!" Matthew spoke. I groaned at what he said but did it anyway.

I used one of my tools to climb and cut him down from the rope he was tied to. "Thank you so muc-Ahhhhhh!"

Seeing him fall to the floor, I flinched, but he stood up with that stupid smile. I slowly climbed down from the tree, and he began to fix himself. "Thank you for helping me!" He cheered.

"What is your name?" I asked.

"Mr. Kirkland!" He smiled. Hmmm? No first name?

"Oh, okay, well we have to get going," I explained. "Oh? But let me reward you for helping me!" He cheered. He began to reach in his bag when suddenly I felt a hand on my shoulder.

I quickly turned around, seeing HIM!

"We were coming home right now!" Matthew spoke, terrified. "I don't care! I've had it with you, brats! You are going to be punished! Separated! Forever!"

"No! Please!" I begged. I didn't want him to take me away from my brother. "HEY! Leave them alone!" The fool suddenly spoke. My eyes widened, and I looked at him, shocked.

"What? And what will you do? Dance for me?" Ivan laughed. I looked at Kirkland, and he was angered. His face was serious, and he suddenly pulled out a stick. I looked at him, confused, but he continued to smile. "More like you will dance for me!" Kirkland laughed.

He moved his wand around, and the magic began to flow out. It was beautiful and made my jaw drop. He began to do magic toward Ivan and started to make him dance. I began laughing at how outrageous this was and stood close to Matthew. "Now! Get lost!" Kirkland spoke. He swooshed his hands around and began to force Ivan to leave.

"You are magic?! How?" Matthew asked curiously.

"I was a mystical being this whole time! You saved me, and I am forever in your debt! I will protect you forever!" He cheered. We all began to laugh and cheer. "Wow!" I laughed.




I shot up from my bed and looked around, horrified. What kind of weird dream was that? My heart was beating fast as I thought of how ridiculous it was.





Later that day, I couldn't help all these feelings. How could someone like HIM get to me within an hour? We didn't talk much, but his gesture seemed to do it for me.

I was speed walking toward the class, and I needed more.

I wanted to figure it out!

What ticked him off?

I opened the door, and as expected, he looked at me, shocked. He was in the middle of eating his lunch, but I didn't care.

"Alfred?" He asked, confused. I threw my bag on the ground and took out my lunch. He looked at me, baffled, and I placed my lunch across the desk. "Shut up!" I spoke. He jumped at what I said, and I glared at him. How?

How was this possible?

"Did you want to talk?" He asked sweetly. I didn't have his class till the end of the day, yet here I was. During his lunch period, staring at him.

"You know, I don't get you at all!" I spoke. He lifted a brow at me and tilted his head. "There's no need to, really...I think maybe you are overthinking this," he laughed. I began to eat my food, and he looked at me, confused.

"If you wanted to eat lunch with me, you could have said so," he smiled.

"Pfft! I am doing this out of pity! You eat alone all the time; I felt bad..."

He looked at me unamused and rolled his eyes. "That's usually how that works," he spoke. "I AM DOING YOU A FAVOR!" I clarified. However, his laugh caused me to turn red. "Okay then, thank you, I don't feel lonely anymore," he smiled.

He shrugged his shoulders and began to eat his lunch again. Pfft! As if I wanted to do this because I like him. This fool! This idiot!

"How is your day going?" He suddenly asked. I felt my face soften and looked at him. He was still smiling, and I looked away from him. I avoided his eyes and sunk into my seat. "It was good...Matthew made my lunch today, and he does it nicely..." I whispered.

My heart felt warm, and for once, I began to feel happy.

"That's great! Hopefully, the rest of your day is amazing," he spoke. I slowly looked at him, and he began to drink from his mug. It had a picture of Sherlock Holmes and made me laugh. "What is it?" He asked, smiling.

"You are such a dweeb," I laughed.

"Dweeb? Ehhhh...I haven't heard that yet; I like it better than idiot and fool," he giggled.


He is so annoying!

How could anyone admire someone like him?

The Mystical and Foolish Mr. Kirkland (FACE)Where stories live. Discover now