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"Yes, I know...I am on my way home anyway..."

Francis was worried that I was coming home late again. "I think he is avoiding going home, so I can't tell him no; I feel bad," I explained. "Okay, well, hurry home; you know I don't like you driving so late; there are crazy people out there," Francis spoke. I was driving while I had him on speaker. "I know, I will be there soon-....What the?"

"Arthur? Is everything okay?"

"Yeah, I will have to call you back," I spoke. I hung up on him and looked closer at the two teenagers running down the street. I sped up slightly and quickly drove beside them. It was them.

"Matthew? Alfred?" I called. They finally turned, and I stopped my car as our eyes met. "Mr. Kirkland?" Matthew spoke. They were both sweaty and looked terrified. "What are you doing out?" I asked. I quickly parked my car and got out. It was a bit cold out tonight too.

They looked at me as if they did not know what to say. "Is everything okay? Do you need help?" I asked. Matthew suddenly burst into tears, and I jumped. "Hey! It is okay! Come on! Come with me; I will help you," I spoke. I walked around my car to them, and Alfred looked at me like he wanted to cry too. I had just seen him earlier; what could have happened in a short time?

"Come on, I will help," I spoke. I opened my car door for them and urged them to get in. "Don't worry, you will be safe," I reassured. Matthew was still crying, and I guided him to the car as Alfred took the front seat. I closed the doors behind them and rushed to the driver's side. "Holy shit," I spoke.

What could have happened?

It was terrifying to think of all the possibilities that could have happened.

I sat in the car, and it was silent; I did not know what to do. "Don't worry, I am here," I spoke. Francis will understand if I explain it to him.


I pulled into my driveway, and Alfred looked around, confused. "Where are we?" He asked. "My house," I explained. "Oh..." He spoke.

"Come on, don't worry," I spoke.

We all got out of the car simultaneously, and they followed me to the door. I got this all under control...


I opened the door and turned to them. "Arthur! Are you home? What happened?" Francis chirped. "Just stay here a moment," I explained. They tried to look around, but I noticed they both looked at a photo by the door.

"Arthur! You are late again! and then you hang up on me!" Francis spoke. He turned the corner, and I laughed nervously. "I was going to explain it before he turned the corner. "Francis...uh, can we talk? privately...?" I asked nervously. He met eyes with the boys, and they looked at him confused. "Non, you can tell me what's going on now," He spoke.

"Ah, This is Alfred and Matthew; they need a little help," I said nervously. The boys looked nervously, and I scrunched my face annoyed. "Hmmm? Alfred? Matthew? The notorious Alfred and Matthew who keeps my husband late?" Francis asked.

"Husband?" Matthew and Alfred spoke in unison.

"How about we all sit down, and talk, come on," I spoke. I put my things down and urged them to follow me to the dining area. "Well, we have more for dinner, would you like food?" Francis asked. They looked at him, shocked, and slowly nodded. 

"Come take a seat, then," I smiled. I pulled out seats for them, and they nervously sat down. They both continued to look around as I helped Francis set the table. "Should we talk about it later?" He whispered. "Yeah, I don't know the full story yet," I whispered. He nodded at me and began to move the food to the table. "Thankfully, I made extra!" Francis cheered.

We finished setting up the table, and he served them food. "But your wife and kids..." Matthew started. Francis began laughing, and I rolled my eyes. "Well, I did say Alfred had something right; I didn't say which. I am not allowed to tell you I have a husband...it is considered controversial information," I laughed.

"Oh..."Alfred spoke.

Francis grabbed my hand, and I smiled at him. "I hope you don't see me differently because of it," I smiled. I looked away from Francis and to the boys, but instead of the disgusted look I was expecting deep down, Their eyes were filled with adoration.

"You must be the troublemaker Arthur tells me about," Francis started.

"Arthur?..." Matthew asked.

"Sorry, I know I have never mentioned my name before. My first name is Arthur, but you can call me whatever you feel comfortable with; we aren't in school, after all. This is my husband, Francis. We have been married for ten years, no children," I laughed. "Oh..."Alfred spoke.

"So, the two of you are like...in love?" Alfred asked. Matthew nudged him, and I began laughing. "Are we in love?" Francis asked.

"Hmmm? I think so; I am close to changing my mind, though," I laughed.

"And no kids?" Alfred asked. I nodded in agreement, and it looked like their whole world was a lie. "Well, do you want kids?"

"Alfred, You can't just ask that!"

"How about we talk about you two? What happened?" I asked.

Alfred and Matthew began to play with the food a little and avoided the answer. "How about we eat first, then? When you are ready, we can talk," I suggested. They both nodded and began to eat the food. "OH MY GOD! WHAT IS THIS? THIS IS AMAZING!" Alfred cheered. He began to devour the food, and my eyes widened. Matthew did the same, and I was shocked to see him do the same.

"At least someone does," Francis spoke, sipping his wine. "Hey, I like your food," I uttered. "No sir, you still revert to your beans on toast," Francis mocked. Ugh...Children surround me. I swear to god....

The Mystical and Foolish Mr. Kirkland (FACE)Where stories live. Discover now