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"That was odd, right? We should go and check on them," Francis spoke. I nodded at him, and he helped me pack up everything. The parent-teacher meeting ended, so he was helping me clean up. "We can go straight over after this," I spoke. He nodded at me, and it was like both of us began to clean up fast.

There was a sudden knock on the door, and the neighbor teacher came in. "Arthur, do you have extra wipes...oh who is this?" Antonio spoke. I swear, he talks forever! He will keep us here. "I am his husband! Here are some wipes," Francis said. He gave him some wipes, and I continued to clean. "Ahh, nice to meet you; Arthur doesn't talk about you much," Antonio laughed.

Francis began to pout and look at me. I rolled my eyes and shook my head. "Oh? That's too bad; he doesn't mention you either," Francis spoke. I wanted to laugh at both of them. "Alright, we really should be going; I will see you next week," I said.

"What a shame. Francis, It was nice meeting you..."


Antonio left, and Francis gave me THE look.

"Oh, don't be such a baby," I laughed.

We began to leave the room, and I looked at the door behind us. "Let's hurry; I just want to make sure they are okay," I spoke. Francis nodded in agreement.


As we drove, I could tell Francis was starting to move in his seat. He was restless, and I was beginning to feel restless too. "Something is wrong; I have a bad feeling," He spoke. I nodded at him and continued to drive, "Me too," I said.

Once we arrived at their home, everything seemed unusually normal. "Come on, we are getting down," I spoke. He nodded, and we both got out of the car. That is when I heard music being blasted. "What the?" I spoke. We looked at each other and quickly walked up the steps.

"Let's knock first," I spoke. He nodded, and I reached my hand up. It felt like my ears were overstimulated. Sirens were screaming in the back, and the music was deafening. There was no response, and I tried to knock again.

"Let's just go in," He spoke.

"We can't."

"Maybe we should call the cops?" Francis suggested. I nodded at him, and we both stood back from the door.

"LET GO OF ME!" A shriek split through the door.

Francis and I looked at each other, and I immediately moved him. "I'm breaking the door in," I spoke. I gave myself some room and soon used force from my shoulder to break the door open. The crash noise caused the room to get silent, and I stood in horror.

There was blood on the floor, and I stared, horrified. I looked up and saw Alfred holding himself in the corner. "You again?" Ivan spoke. I felt my blood boil. Alfred had a bloodied nose, and Ivan had his belt in his hand. I couldn't do this anymore, not do anything; Alfred was only in his underwear and was helpless.

I took a deep breath and looked at Francis.

"Francis," I spoke. He nodded at me, and I went closer to Ivan.

"You want to fight or something?" Ivan laughed.

Francis quickly rushed to Alfred as Ivan now focused on me. "Hey, Kiddo, where is your brother?" I heard Francis ask. However, Alfred continued to shake in terror. "I don't want to fight, but I called the police, and they are on their way," I lied. I should have called them beforehand.

He grew angry and suddenly charged at me. He shoved me against the wall, and I saw Francis look at me, worried. "I am okay," I reassured.

"Get them out of here," I spoke.

He nodded at me and tried to help Alfred up. "Alfred, listen to me; you need to tell me where Matthew is," Francis spoke.

I could see him point toward the kitchen, and Francis turned horrified.

"They aren't any of your business," Ivan spoke. He was pushing me toward the wall, and I hated that this would turn violent. "They are my students," I said. I placed my hands on his shoulders and watched as Francis pulled Alfred to the kitchen. What was going on?

I began to push Ivan off me and placed my legs between his. "Stop already!" I demanded. "When you die!" He hissed. "You FREAK!" I yelled.

I used my right knee and kicked him in the crotch. He immediately let go of me and held himself, and I punched him across the face. Ivan fell to the ground, and I breathed out nervously. I watched as he groaned, holding himself, and I fixed myself a little. "You are a psycho," I spoke.

"ARTHUR!" Francis called.

My eyes widened, and I quickly rushed toward the kitchen. I was shocked at the sight. Matthew was unconscious on the ground, and Alfred sat beside Francis. "He won't wake up, but he still has a heartbeat," Francis spoke. I nodded at him seriously and took my coat off. I used it to cover Alfred, and I rolled my sleeves up. I used my fingers to check Matthews' pulse, and Francis looked at me nervously. He held Alfred close, and I hoped he was okay.

"I think he has a shallow water blackout...was he being drowned?" I asked Alfred, but he continued to shake. "We have to get them out of here and call the police," I spoke.

"Alfred, I am going to carry your brother; you will have to let go of me for a second," Francis spoke. "No, please, I am scared," Alfred cried. I pulled Alfred off Francis, and he looked down to help lift him.

"ARTHUR! BEHIND YOU!" Alfred yelled.

I heard crashing noises, and I shut my eyes nervously as if waiting for the impact of a hit, but it never came. I turned around and saw a woman. Was this the other foster parent? She looked stressed out and horrified, carrying a broken bottle in her hands. Ivan lay on the floor unconscious.

She had hit him over the head before he could do something to me.

The sirens were louder, and I could hear noises coming from outside. "I called the police earlier; I am sorry I didn't do anything sooner; I was scared," She spoke. I nodded at her nervously, and soon enough, police officers stormed into the house. Alfred held onto me, and Francis held Matthew in his arms. I felt so shocked that I couldn't move. I think I was in shock or something.

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