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The drive to their house was silent, but I knew what I had to do. "Can't we just stay with you and Francis for tonight?" Matthew asked. "As much as I would not mind that, I have to bring you back," I spoke. Alfred did not bother to look at me. I felt this would set our relationship back, but I had no other choice. "Come on," I spoke. I got down from the car with them, and we all slowly walked to the front door. I knocked on the door and soon heard shuffling. Matthew began to hide behind Alfred and me, and Alfred moved closer to me.


The door opened, and the man suddenly shut up. "Who the hell are you?" He asked. "Hello, My name is Mr. Kirkland, and I am their teacher," I smiled. His face dropped, and it was like an attitude change. As expected.

"Ah! what brings you here? I hope they did not cause you any trouble," He laughed. "Come in, boys," He spoke sweetly. He tried to grab Alfred, but Alfred moved away. "Can we talk about some things privately?" I smiled. The man looked like he wanted to yell. He was doing his best to keep up his fake smile. "Of course! Boys, go inside and play!" He laughed. He gestured for them to go inside, and they did their best to slip past him.

The man closed the door behind him and looked at me with a smile. "What seems to be the problem?" He asked. "They returned to the school, and I was lucky enough to be there. I am a little concerned with why they ran away," I spoke.

"What did they tell you?" He asked, nearly angry.

"Enough...I am not in foster care or a social worker, but you do know what will happen if the state were to find out what is going on," I spoke. "Pfft, you don't have proof," He laughed. It was as if his whole demeanor had changed.

"I don't; you are right...so don't give me any proof. After all, you know the consequences of child abuse and neglect are a felony charge with jail time, fines, and the removal of your certification. If you lay a finger on them, you won't only have the caseworkers on your ass, the state will too, and I will make sure you go down," I threatened. He made me sick, looking at him.

"What? Who the hell do you think you are?" He asked, shocked. "No one, but I am warning you this time. If I find out you lay a finger on those boys, I will personally be taking care of the situation," I spoke. I began to glare at him, and he did the same.

"You are bluffing," He laughed.

"Do you want to test it? I have nothing to lose in this situation," I spoke.

He flinched at what I said and stood still. "Do I make myself clear?" I asked. He nodded his head slowly at me, and I smiled. "Great! Have a good night, and I look forward to meeting you again," I smiled. His jaw dropped, and I nodded my head at him. If he knows what's good for him, he won't be laying a finger on them ever again.


That night, as I lay beside Francis, he leaned his head on my shoulder. "Dinner was nice; it was almost like we were an actual family," Francis chuckled. I leaned my head on him and nodded. "It did feel that way," I spoke. It was odd...I had never really felt that way before. "Arthur!" Francis suddenly jumped up and looked at me.

"What if we adopt them? It would solve their living situation, and we could have the family we always wanted! they are amazing kids! we could love the hell out of them!" He spoke. My eyes widened, and I sat up to look at him. "What? Really?" I asked, shocked. I never really thought about it, but I was sure there was something we could do.

"Are you sure? like this is something you one hundred percent want to try and do?" I asked. He nodded at me, determined, and I began to think about it. I would hope they would want us to adopt or foster them because they like us, and it is not only an escape for them.

"Yes! I want to start a family with you badly, and they are the best!" He cheered. "But we never raised them; isn't that what you wanted?" I asked. He shook his head, laughing, and smiled. "I don't care about that. I have so much love to give you and them; it does not matter to me," He smiled. I smiled at what he said, and he got closer to me.

"Okay then, I will find out where to start; maybe we should ask them if that is something they want?" I suggested. He nodded at me and smiled. "Of course, you can't just tell them "hey! We are adopting you now! Come live with me!" it is ridiculous," He laughed. I shook my head at him and began to caress his hair.

"We can do this! I think they will say yes; we should figure everything out first before we ask them," I smiled. He nodded at me and began to kiss my face. "Perfect! Just like you!" He cheered. He continued to kiss my face, and I began to laugh as he pushed me down to the bed. "Stop!" I laughed, trying to push him away. "Never! I will love you till the end of time!" He laughed. He continued to kiss me, and I pulled him under the covers. He was such a goof...but I loved him anyway.

I was a bit scared about where to start, but I think I could figure it out if I talked to their caseworker...who I need to get in contact with... just incredible; how am I supposed to do that?

The Mystical and Foolish Mr. Kirkland (FACE)Where stories live. Discover now