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"Yes, have any of them come to school?"

"Not that I know of; they could be skipping again."

"Where do they usually skip?"

"I'm not sure; you might have to do a home visit...how long did you say they've been out?"

"The past three days; I can do a home visit tonight."

"Great, if they are skipping, the parents need to know, although it isn't like Matthew to skip."

"You're right...it isn't..."

I hung up the phone with one of the administrators and felt frustrated. Something terrible must have happened; this isn't good. "Mr. Kirkland?" A familiar voice spoke. My eyes widened, and I looked toward the door and it was Matthew.

"Hey! What happened? You missed all your classes!" I spoke. I stood up from my chair and rushed to him. He had his head down. I made him look at me, and I immediately started to look for bruises, but there were none. "What's happened?" I asked.

However, he didn't answer; he only burst into tears and grabbed onto me. "Hey, come on now, tell me what's wrong; you know I can help. Where is Alfred?" I asked. He shook his head and continued to hold me. "Come now, just tell me," I spoke. I felt my heart breaking at his silence. What's happened? I knew something did.

However, he never told me anything...

Once the end of the day came, Alfred walked in. I continued to watch him, but he kept his head down. What the hell is going on?

As I taught the lesson, he wouldn't look at me or try to make a goofy face like he usually did. However, I noticed he was having a hard time sitting still. He kept moving around in his seat, and I wasn't sure why.

"Alfred, can you stay after class?" I asked. The bell rang, and he looked like he was about to run out the door. He stopped in his tracks and still wouldn't look at me. "What's going on? Can you please talk to me? I'm here to help," I spoke. I closed the door, and he flinched at the sound.

I grabbed his face to look at me; he had dark circles like he hadn't slept in a few days. "What's happened?" I asked. I was starting to feel desperate. He looked at me seriously and shook his head.

"Please, I want to help you," I spoke, trying not to cry. "I don't want you to..."

My eyes widened, and he pulled away from me. It was like my heart was breaking. He didn't want me to...

"No one asked you to help us! You took it upon yourself to do that! Do us all a favor and stop putting yourself in the middle of the situation; it's none of your business; the more you keep trying, the more you look foolish, so stop," he spoke. He didn't look at me, but I was glad he didn't.

I felt my heart breaking, and I wanted to cry. "But I—"


I flinched, and I tried to reach for him.

I loved them...I didn't mean for this to happen.


He suddenly opened the door and slammed it shut behind him. I was left standing there...like an absolute fool. I held onto my chest and felt everything inside of me dying.

I wanted to be their dad, and maybe that was why I was trying so hard. I had only wanted them to be our kids, but I screwed up. I'd burdened them, and now I wasn't sure what to do.

Every day after that was the same. Matthew and Alfred stopped staying after school and coming to my class during lunch. I told Francis what had happened, and he was worried something terrible had happened. I know something did, but without them saying something, I can't do anything.

I couldn't make accusations without proof, and they wouldn't take my side on this case if the boys defended Ivan. Of course, I needed them to come and talk to me when they were ready.

"Alrighty, everyone! You are getting flyers for the parent-teacher night! Remember that you will get ten extra points for your grade if you come! I suggest it! Also! There will be food, and you get to see me after school," I laughed. Some students laughed at my joke, but Matthew finally looked up from his desk.

I smiled at him, and he looked at the flyer being passed around. "It is tomorrow night! So make time! Plus, your parents can talk to your other teachers, which is cool, too," I laughed.

"Mr. Kirkland, will your wife be there?" A student asked. I laughed at what they asked and shrugged. "Something like that," I smiled. Why do they want to know about my "wife" so badly? It isn't bad if they found out I was married to Francis, but I couldn't say anything about it.

The bell rang, and the students began to leave. I quickly walked in front of Matthew, and he looked at me, confused. "Here," I smiled. He lifted a brow at me, and I smiled at him. "You want us to go?" He asked. "Of course! Who else will eat Francis' food? He is making the snacks for our class," I laughed.

His eyes widened, and he slowly took the flyer. "Oh, he is?..." he asked. "Yes! And if you come, I'll make sure he makes it extra tasty," I laughed. His face turned red, and he slowly nodded. "Unbelievable," he laughed. "Oh? What's the harm? I'll see you then," I smiled. He rolled his eyes at me with a smile and began to leave. "I'll see what I can do," he whispered. It was loud enough for me to hear and made me happy.

I needed them to warm up to me again, so this was my chance. I will tell Francis, and he can even stay in the classroom. I might have been using him as bait, but I knew that Matthew and Alfred loved him a lot. How couldn't they? He was the best!

The Mystical and Foolish Mr. Kirkland (FACE)Where stories live. Discover now