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Every day after last week, Alfred came to my classroom to eat lunch. First, it was him, and he was stubborn about why he was there, but then his attitude changed slowly. "THIS IS WHERE YOU HAVE BEEN!" A shout was called. I looked toward the door, and it was Matthew. "What? How did you find me?" Alfred asked. Did he not tell Matthew? Wait...Matthew comes to my room after school many times...

Matthew walked in, throwing his bag on the floor, and looked at Alfred, annoyed. "Didn't you tell me that Mr. Kirkland was so annoying just yesterday?" Matthew asked. I continued to drink my tea as I watched them begin to argue. It does not surprise me that Alfred was saying those things. I really did not care that they came by often. I was mostly glad that Alfred started coming to my class daily and doing his work.

It was odd...but it was like something in him switched overnight, and I did not know what it was. Both of them, I did not know what it was.

"Hey! If you are going to be two-faced, at least be honest!"

"Ehhh? As if I'd like a fool like him!"

"Well? It seems like you do!"

"Whatever! He is always lonely, and I feel bad for him!"

"He is a teacher! They all eat alone!"

"Well...why do you care so much? You like him or something?!"

"I do! And I'm honest about it!"

I looked at both of them arguing, and I breathed out, annoyed. "You can both stay here," I spoke. They both stopped and looked at me. Matthew smiled, but Alfred looked shocked. "Whaaaaatttttt? You are letting him stay?" Alfred asked. "Yes, now let me eat my food," I laughed.

They began to nudge each other, and I shook my head. They definitely acted like brothers, and it was nice seeing them come around. Alfred never talked about his personal life or asked me about mine, so I figured I would let him speak to me when he was ready. Despite all the progress we'd made, I didn't want to push him away. I would be here for them whenever they were ready and be someone they could rely on.

They were second years, so they had two more years left till they graduated. I know Alfred has done terribly in the past, but I want him to graduate with Matthew. Maybe go to college too?

"Mr. Kirkland, why don't you have pictures of your family? Other teachers do!" Alfred asked. I didn't have the heart to tell him he was completely wrong about my so-called "family."

"Ahh, well, I try and keep my personal life separate, I suppose," I laughed. Also, students were not allowed to know about my sexuality, especially since I have a husband. It was considered a controversial topic.

"Do your kids go here? What if we are their friends?" Matthew asked. I wonder if it is too late to tell them I have no kids. "Ahh...if they did, Alfred would be a bad influence," I laughed. "Hey!" Alfred whined. He continued to eat his food and pout. "What about you both? You are in a foster home. What are the other kids like?" I asked, changing the subject. The topic of children made me a bit sad.

"No, it is just us right now...and it sucks!" Matthew spoke. "Really? Why is that?" I asked.

"Well, our foster parents suck! And treat us like shit. At this point, we have had so many shitty foster parents that we do not care about being adopted. Aging out of the system is the only option for us now," Alfred spoke. I felt awful; I don't know how to encourage them when they have given up already.

"No need to feel bad; we have all had our fair share of bad experiences...They haven't hit us, so that is good!" Matthew tried to reassure; only it was not reassuring at all. "Well, I know it is hard right now, but I promise that it is only temporary; I would be lying if I said things happen for a reason because that is simply not true. Bad things happen to good people sometimes, at random...the only thing you or any of us could control is our outlook in life," I smiled.

"Outlook?" Alfred asked. I nodded at him with a smile and put my cup down. "I mean...don't let it control you. Don't live your life full of hate and anger, do your best to see the beauty in the world. It is hard, I won't lie to both of you, but it is the only thing we can control right now. I don't have enough power to help, it pains me, and that is why I am doing this instead—talking to you and giving you a shoulder to lie on."

Matthew smiled and looked down at his feet as Alfred looked at me curiously. "Why are you so nice?" Alfred asked. His question caused me to jump and look at him, confused. "Treating people the way I'd want to be treated is merely respect. I try not to sugarcoat things, so what I say is genuine. Even if the two of you come from the system, you both deserve to be treated like people with feelings...does that make sense?" I asked.

They both nodded at me and continued to eat their food. "Can I have your phone number?" Matthew asked. My eyes widened, and I began to laugh. "It is in the syllabus and my email," I smiled. Their eyes widened, and they began to think about it. "That makes sense," Alfred laughed. I shook my head at them and grabbed some of my sweet bread. "Would you like some?" I asked. Alfred smiled brightly, nodding. "YES!" He cheered.

I wonder what else I could do for them. To make them happy, I wish I could do more. "Who makes your lunch?" I asked, starting a conversation. "We do, but mostly Mattie. Our foster Parents never cook, so we improvise sometimes," Alfred spoke nervously.

I ought to meet these pathetic excuses of "Parents."

"I see; that is good that you can do it at the very least," I spoke.

The Mystical and Foolish Mr. Kirkland (FACE)Where stories live. Discover now