Drive In Movie (Pt. 1)

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Haven't read Gallagher Girls or The Listen Series? Please do not continue if you wish to avoid spoilers. (Part 2 found on Ao3).

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Morgan Goode POV / Timeline: After the last book in the Listen Series, "Over and Run With", a few years, maybe four or five in my headcanon universe?

This is part one that involves no smut, but a little NSFW spice/kissing. Warning: Talk of pregnancy/wanting to be pregnant/relationship dynamics and opinions on pregnancy.

Oct. 2nd | Drive In Movie (Pt. 1)

I had learned over the years that when it comes to a date with Luke, I was just going to have to accept a little bit of cheese. A little bit of romance.

Did I find myself enjoying the flowers, the chocolate, the stolen kisses in between talking that eventually led to a lot of kissing? Of course I did.

If I had to suffer through a little bit of cheesy romantic gestures like him opening my door for me and listening to, "Yes Morgan, I know you're perfectly capable of opening doors by yourself", a few times, all for him to feel good, then I guess I would. And I mean, when Luke felt like the night was special, we both ended up enjoying ourselves a little too much probably. Let's just say Luke gets very handsy when the romance and cheese is bumped up full throttle.

So, I knew to expect some cheese for our anniversary and I didn't complain as he said we were going on a date. We were having to spend the weekend with my family in Roseville, so a little cheese and romance was the least I could do. I had glanced at the pick up truck, curious as to where he got it and why he had it, but I kept my mouth shut and I climbed in the passenger side.

Before closing my door his eyebrows were furrowed, "You aren't curious why I have a pick up truck?"

I buckled my seat belt, "Of course I am."

"You didn't ask about it."

I leaned towards him, out the door just a little bit, and curled my finger towards myself. He stepped closer and I kissed his lips, a quick peck, "Maybe I'm feeling generous tonight."

He rolled his eyes and closed the door on my laugh, coming around to the driver's side. Before he could close his door I was asking, "So why do you have a pick up truck?"

He laughed and shook his head, heading down highway ten towards Gallagher and Roseville. It was a perfect Virginia Fall night. With the windows rolled down, it wasn't too hot or cold, and I watched as the city streets began to fade into rolling green hills, starting to turn gold and crimson with the changing leaves.

Luke grabbed my hand and held it on the console and we sat in comfortable silence aside from the radio playing softly. His thumb brushed the back of my hand and I decided I was going to tell him tonight. I was ready for a baby, and I thought he had been too.

We had argued about it who knows how many times. Finally, a few months ago, I had decided that yes, we could have one. He didn't force me into it, he didn't make me feel guilty about it, he had just waited, explaining his side when I asked questions. I was ready and I wanted one, and when I told him yes, nothing happened.

I said yes to having a baby with him and then nothing, zip, zilch. He hasn't brought it up and I haven't either. So, tonight was the night.

He pulled my hand up to his mouth, kissing my knuckles, "What are you lost in thought about over there?"

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