Sike! It's Not a Costume, It's Lingerie

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Preston Winters POV / Timeline: Sometime after the last GG book, "United We Spy", but before The Listen Series takes place.

Anon request for Preston and Macey - pre Halloween Party costume reveal to each other. The original chapter is Edward Townsend/Abigail Cameron Smut on Ao3. 

Oct. 17th | Sike! It's Not a Costume, It's Lingerie:

He cannot believe he got Macey to agree to this.

Not only to dress up for Halloween, but that she's going to leave the apartment with him, be seen in public with him, and go to a party with him.

All while he's dressed as Spiderman.

He's got his costume on, his mask off but clutched in his hand and he's grinning wider than he ever has, bouncing on the balls of his feet.

He rounds the corner into their small bedroom, "Mace, you almost ready?"

He hears mumbling from the bathroom and he knocks his knuckles against the door, and he hears a muffled, "Just..." a bang, " Ow. "

He frowns. Her costume is just her uniform skirt and a top with a vest, what is she doing?

Another bang and a grumbling, " Son of a bitch. "

He clears his throat, "Macey, do you...what's going on?"

A sigh, "Can you...this is so embarrassing. I'm stupid..."

"Macey McHenry, you are many many things, but stupid? You are the furthest thing from stupid," he sighs and leans his head on the door, "And embarrassing? I'm wearing a spandex suit out here babe."

She laughs and calls out quietly, "Okay, just...can you close your eyes?"

"I've seen you in your uniform Macey, your costume is basically that, right?"

"Close your eyes or I'm not coming out."

He sighs, backs up, closes his eyes and places his hands over them for good measure, "Okay, they're closed."

He hears the door creak open, the click of her heels, "Keep them closed."

He sighs, but nods. He listens and waits, until she whispers, "Okay, Spiderman, open your eyes."

He opens them, his hands moving slowly to see Macey standing in front of him wearing not her costume, but something far more revealing and exciting.

Her legs are covered with sheer, black stockings, belts and things he could never know the right words for attaching them to her red lace underwear and a corset top, decorated in the same pattern as his suit. Reds and blues overlapping and a black spider logo on the front of it. She has bright red heels on and a spiderman clip in her ponytail to top it all off.

His mouth falls open and he stumbles backwards, his calves hitting the bed and he falls.

He stutters, "That's...uh..." he clears his throat, "Wow."

She smiles, her arms are folded behind her back, biting her cheek.

She's always beautiful, but she's gorgeous when she smiles and he sees her cheeks blush, like she's nervous. Like he's not the one in spandex, wracking his brain for how she's with him.

She looks down and gestures to the outfit, "I thought Gwen Stacy might need to show Peter what he's coming home to after saving the world. A little incentive to not go home with one of the adoring fans he saves."

He gulped, nodding, unable to find words.

She stepped closer, her thumb brushing over his bottom lip. She glances down and smiles at his suit, "Sound good Spiderman?"

He nods again, "So're gonna wear this under your costume all night?"

She nods, leaning into his lips, but not kissing him, "That's the plan."

She backs away, slowly pulling her skirt on, then her shirt, holding her hand out, "Come on, we're gonna be late."

He looks down at the very tight suit around his body and folds his hands in his lap, clearing his throat once more, "I'm gonna need a minute."

She laughs, turning away to walk out the door. He tilts his head to watch her stockings disappear under her skirt, the little straps just peeking out and he bites his lip, moaning, as his head falls onto the bed.

It was going to be a long night.  

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