High School Football Game

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Tina Walters POV / Timeline: Some many years after the Gallagher Girls series - if it was the Listen Series universe, the kids are high school age, like Maggie and Matt.

This was a request for Tina WaltersxMick Morrison (romantic). I really love this, and I hope I did their relationship justice for you! Also, this absolutely barely is about a high school football game, so my bad. Also, also, we've decided over on Tumblr Johnny Castle the Cat is canon.

Oct. 20th | High School Football Game

Tina Walters used to have an idea of what her life would look like. She watched the romantic comedies, read the magazines, she played dress up, she planned her wedding, her life, down to an incredibly detailed tee.

She would be a journalist like her mom, a big wedding in a garden, a house on a street with flower boxes and a blue door with a birdbath and bay window. A cat. 2.5 kids and they'd live in the best school district, she'd bake for the bake sales, and her life would be perfect.

Then she found out what her mom really did for a living. Then she started school at The Gallagher Academy for Exceptional Young Women.

It's not as if changing her career path changed the ideas and plans she had. It's not like she stopped obsessing over the movies and magazines, but the older she got, and the more she fell in love with the world of espionage, the dream of a house with flower boxes started to fade away. It just didn't seem possible to her anymore, to have it all, so to speak.

And then Mick Morrison happened.

As their friendship blossomed and grew throughout high school, Tina started to dream about that life again, only this time, Mickey was next to her. Mickey was the one scratching the cat's chin in the bay window, the one she was serving her domestic Sunday big breakfast to.

And she tried, she really tried to be cool about it, she had no way of knowing if Mick even like d her like that. And then they went on their first date, and another, and another, and one sleepy morning Tina quietly whispered all of her dreams to Mick. She told Mick that she'd get a house with her, that the house needed a blue door, flower boxes and the bay window. She told her everything her mind had come up with. That she wanted kids, that she'd bake brownies and of course the cat, named Johnny Castle for Tina's love of Dirty Dancing. She kept whispering her dreams until she fell back asleep. And if she would have stayed awake, she would have heard Mick promise to give her all of it.

Mick had brushed the hair behind Tina's ear and she had smiled, "I'm gonna marry you Tina Walters."

And Mick got Tina that house, full on The Notebook style. She carried Tina over that threshold, a tiny fluffy gray kitten waiting inside for them.

And years later, Tina was curled up in her window seat in the bay window, Johnny Castle curled up in a sunbeam at her ankles, a cup of coffee in her hand and the latest Cosmo on her lap.

Mick's music played in the garage as she fixed their daughter's car, and loud rushed footsteps on the stairs down to the landing, "Mom!"

Tina glanced up, her son with his toothbrush hanging in his mouth, shirt half on and his football pants on. She smirked at his lack of punctuality like her wife, "Yes?"

He ripped the brush out of his mouth, "Have you seen my jersey?"

Tina looked back down to her magazine, "Dryer."

He started running to the laundry room, "And my cup?"

"Dishwasher," a sip of her coffee.

Her daughter's disgusted voice from the couch where she was lazily flipping through channels, " Ew . We put our dishes next to that thing?"

Tina laughed, "I disinfected it by itself first. And please, I wash it by itself and then run the dishwasher through two clean cycles," she pauses and looks up, "Don't tell your mom that though. She'll think it's too-"

Her son spit his toothpaste in the kitchen sink, leaving large globs all over the dishes there and then running with his jersey in his hand and Tina sat up, "Um, excuse you, rinse the toothpaste!"

He groaned, already halfway up the stairs, " Mom! I'm so late!"

She closed her magazine, "Well maybe you should have gotten up two hours ago when I tried to-"

The garage door opened and closed, "Hey, you know you're super late right?"

He groaned and kept running up the stairs.

Tina looked over to see Mickey, wiping her hands on a rag and tossing the keys to their daughter who grinned, "Thank you!"

Mickey smiled and then came over, scratching Johnny Castle behind the ears.

Tina watched her with so much love and Mick looked over at her, smirking, "What?"

Tina shook her head, "Nothing," she leaned in, "Just love you."

Mick smiled and kissed her lips quickly, "Love you back."

Their son ran, jumping down the last five stairs. His football uniform on without all the padding, his bag thrown over his shoulders. He kissed the top of each of their heads and flicked his sister's ear as he ran out the door, "Bye! See you after the game! Don't forget, Evan's mom-"

"Is saving us seats. We got it," Tina finished for him.

"Good luck!" Mick called after him.

The door slammed and they watched one of their cars drive away, and then their daughter pointed, without looking away from the TV, "His cup's still in the dishwasher isn't it?"

Tina groaned and stood, prepared to race out of the house and get it to him before the game when the sound of a car door turned her attention out the window. Their son raced up the steps, leaving his car door open and as the front door flung open, Mickey was throwing the cup through the air over their shrieking daughter's head.

He caught it and Mick grinned, "Good catch."

He laughed, "Thanks! Okay, now I'm really late! Love you!"

Tina watched him race away again feeling arms around her waist and she leaned back into Mick's arms.

Mickey kissed her neck and whispered, "So, in all of these dreams you had for our future, were Saturday High School Football Games on the list?"

Tina smiled, "Right down to the forgotten cup in the dishwasher babe."

Their daughter gagged and the two laughed.

Tina Walters used to have an idea of what her life would like.

Turns out, she was pretty spot on for once. 

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