Bike Rides

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Multiple (Townsend, Cammie, Maggie) POV / Timeline: Part 1 is sometime early in Townsend/Abby's relationship, but probably after the last GG book, Part 2 is sometime in the early days of Cammie and Zach working for the CIA under Townsend, Part 3 is after the last book of the Listen Series (maybe a year or more, Maggie is comfortable with her leg), Part 4 is maybe a year after part 3.

Oct. 25th | Bike Rides:

He was a little afraid, and if he had to admit it, a little turned on, watching Abby straddle the bike and hold the second helmet out to him.

He shook his head, "Abigail-"

She groaned, "Come on. You promised. You've seen me ride before," she stuck out her bottom lip and made her eyes wide.

She was pouting and he hated that it was working.

She pulled him closer by the front of his shirt and looked up at him, leaning in and kissing his lips softly, "Please?"

He nodded against her lips.

Then she turned the bike on and he jumped. She laughed as he threw his hands up, "Nope, I'm not going now."

He was heading into the garage door as her laughter faded, "Oh come on! That was funny! Chicken !"

How I didn't know or realize that of course Zach Goode would ride a motorcycle is beyond me, but I definitely found out the same time everyone else did

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How I didn't know or realize that of course Zach Goode would ride a motorcycle is beyond me, but I definitely found out the same time everyone else did.

Running through the op and discussing transportation when he casually suggests, "I can take my bike."

Four sets of blinking eyes stare up at him. Abby is smirking, trying to hold in a laugh, Townsend looks horrified, Bex is grinning that same grin she always gets when something truly terrible and/or exciting is about to happen, and well me, I'm not sure I heard him right.


He smirked, "My bike."

I set my hands on the table, "Like a bicycle."

Not a question, a statement. He has to mean a bicycle.

He rolled his eyes, "No, my motorcycle."

Townsend is shaking his head, mumbling under his breath, "Of course you have a bike too."

Bex is jumping up and down, "Can we practice? Can you take us for a ride?"

Abby is nodding, "We actually should practice, how often do you drive it? It'll be tight..."

He nods, "A decent amount."

I'm throwing my hands up, resting them on my head, pacing, outnumbered.

Which is how I find myself driving in and out of tight D.C streets with Bex, waiting and watching for anyone who looks like Zach on a motorcycle.

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