Hot Chocolate

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Haven't read Gallagher Girls or The Listen Series? Please do not continue if you wish to avoid spoilers.

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Charlotte Woods POV / Timeline: Sometime in between the GG series and The Listen series, when Charlotte Woods and Ellie Sutton are in school, let's say 8th grade?

Oct. 11th | Hot Chocolate:

She stared up at the stone wall covered in ivy with a pleased smirk on her face. She couldn't believe she actually got out.

She hissed, "Ellie, let's go!"

A grunt as her small best friend threw her leg over and almost fell from the top, "I'm coming, don't get your panties in a wad."

Her nose wrinkled, "Ew. Don't say panties."

"Panties, panties, panties!" Ellie giggled as she tumbled to the ground but made it look graceful as she rolled and stood.

She shoved her shoulder, "You're a dork."

Ellie brushed dirt from her jeans, "A dork who is willing to back you up, sneak out of their fortress of a school just so you can get a freaking funnel cake. I'd be a lot nicer to me, Charlotte , as I'm the one with the cash to buy said funnel cake."

She beamed, " Eleanora , you are the best friend a girl could ask for. And have I told you how wonderful you look today? I mean really, just fantastic, I could-"

Ellie's turn to shove her, "Yeah, yeah. Come on, let's get your carnival fix and then get back before anyone notices."

Twenty minutes later, she had powdered sugar on her nose and a grin on her face. Ellie rolled her eyes, "You are too pleased with yourself."

Charlotte nodded, "You know what goes great with funnel cake?"

Ellie sighed but had a small smile on her face, "Hot Chocolate?"

She grinned, "Read my mind."

Ellie held out her hand, telling her to lead the way and soon she was dipping her sweet cake into marshmallowey hot chocolate goodness.

Roseville was such a boring place, but she had to give them credit, they knew how to make a mean cup of hot cocoa and a damn good funnel cake. She eyed the people walking by with corn dogs and her stomach growled. She turned to Ellie to ask her but she should have known her best friend could read her mind.

Ellie stopped her, placing a hand up and she almost walked into it, "I already know what you're going to say and we've already been gone too long and the Headmistress is still mad at me for that small lab fire, I mean really, it didn't even-"

Charlotte's hand was over Ellie's mouth, her eyes wide and Ellie licked her hand and she hissed, "God, Ellie! Gross!"

"Well don't stick your hand over my mouth I mean-" she pressed her fingers to her lips this time.

She whispered, "For the love of god, shut up, I'm begging you. We have company."

Ellie ducked, "Company?"

She watched Ellie look around her, finally spotting who she could see over her shoulder in a reflection and she whimpered, "Oh god we are so dead. What is Mr. Solomon doing here?"

Charlotte took a deep breath, "Probably a CoveOps exercise. Oh god."

She ripped more of her funnel cake and dipped it in the cocoa, contemplating their next move.

Ellie blinked at her, "Oh my god."

She blinked back, her mouth full, "What?"

Ellie shook her head, "You can't stop eating for one second to figure out how we're going to get out of here? We are literally dead and you are still eating your flipping funnel-"

She threw her arms out, "Oh, excuse me for wanting to enjoy my last meal before-"

A hand grabbed the funnel cake from her, a deep voice, "For me? Aw, you shouldn't have."

The girls turned, eyes wide, staring up at Zachary Goode.

They were so dead.

Ellie closed her eyes and then tried to smile, "Hi Uncle Zach, we were just-"

He sighed, but there was a faint smirk on his lips, "Cut the crap El. Let's go."

He walked away and the girls followed, their heads low.

Ellie mumbled, "At least he didn't take your hot chocolate."

A hand grabbed it, this time Cameron Goode.

She groaned. At least she would die with a stomach full of funnel cake and hot chocolate next to her best friend. 

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