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Cammie Morgan POV / Timeline: Sometime after GG series, a universe where Cammie doesn't end up with Zach and Bex and Cam live together.

A request for Cammie and Bex romantic. I did pretty light romance because I actually love Cammie/Bex together but I'm scared to write it bad. I did 100% take part of a scene from Gilmore Girls where Lorelai accuses Rory of stretching out her sweaters because her boobs are bigger. Thank you and good day.

Oct. 12th | Sweaters:

It started slowly, the lines of best friend and more than best friends blurring ever so slightly. You'd think moving in with each other after years of living in even closer quarters wouldn't have changed things so much, but it had.

At least for her it had.

Gone were the days of uniforms and schedules, now waking up to see Bex with the familiar sleep in her eyes, but in just an oversized shirt and underwear, pouring herself some coffee, staying like that for hours on a Saturday if they were home.

Small gestures like Bex reaching up to fix her hair for her, wipe something off of her cheek, or fix her collar suddenly started making Cammie's heart race faster, her hands fill with sweat, her breath catch in her throat.

But Bex didn't seem to be affected, so she kept her new thoughts and feelings to herself, only indulging in a day dream or fantasy occasionally, after spending a week on an op hitched to her side in even closer quarters.

But she should have known that keeping it all bottled inside was going to eventually come back and bite her. It was all going to come out eventually, and she shouldn't have kept acting like their banter was normal, that it was fine.

She opened the door to the apartment, something smelling amazing and she smiled, calling out a cheesy, "Honey, I'm home!" immediately regretting how stupid it sounded until she heard her laughter.

She walked into the kitchen to see Bex pulling out a casserole and some sort of garlic bread dish, four glasses of wine on the table, she smiled, "Hey, Macey and Liz will be here any minute for girls night."

Cammie frowned, "Is that my sweater?"

Bex rolled her eyes, "It's my sweater, that you stole ages ago and I finally took it back."

Cammie crossed her arms, and opened her mouth but was interrupted by knocking at the door. She turned and opened it, but only nodded to Macey and Liz who were carrying a salad and some sort of dessert.

She looked back at Bex, "That is not your sweater. It's mine, and I don't appreciate you taking my clothes."

Macey smirked and walked past them and dragged Liz to the table with her.

Bex put her hands on her hips, "Really Cam? Right now? Why is this an argument right now? It's not like it's the first time we've shared clothes."

She ran her hand through her hair, feeling the blush in her cheeks, knowing she was being irrational, "I just don't like that you take my clothes and you stretch them out and make them smell like you!"

Bex scoffed, "I stretch them out? And what, do I smell bad?"

Liz was fiddling with the top of the salad and Macey sipped her wine, watching over the top of the glass.

Cammie threw her hands up, "No! Not like that! Your boobs are bigger and they stretch out my tops!"

Bex squinted, "My boobs are bigger so they stretch out your tops?"

She sighed and looked down, nodding, "Just, don't steal my clothes anymore okay?"

Bex's jaw clenched and she crossed her arms, "Fine."

Cammie nodded, "Fine."

She shrugged her coat off and Bex started laughing, "You're actually kidding me."

She looked over at her and Bex was taking the few steps closer to her, pulling at her top between her fingers, "This is mine."

She couldn't think straight anymore. Not with Bex's eyes blinking down at her, her fingers almost touching her skin, her shampoo and breath taking over all of her senses. She could feel the tension between the two of them, palpable in the air like she could reach out and grab it. And so she did.

Her lips pressed to hers not in any of the ways she had imagined. It wasn't tender or sweet or a kiss that would make time stop. It was harsh and filled with months of tension, her hand gripping at her collar and her lips pressed to hers quickly.

She pulled away, "Oh my god, I'm sorry I shouldn't have-"

Bex leaned in, this time pressing her lips to hers and this time it was tender and it was sweet. It did make time stop. Her lips moved against hers slowly, savoring, gently.

They only pulled away from each other when there was a cough from the table, the two gasping and blinking at each other.

Bex brushed her chin with her thumb and whispered, "You can steal my sweaters anytime."

Bex kissed her once more and then turned to the table, "Yeah, alright, show's over," shooing Macey and Liz to dish up as they both raised their eyebrows grinning. She turned to look back at her grinning before nodding her head for her to come join them. 

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