Taking the Kids Trick or Treating

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Haven't read Gallagher Girls or The Listen Series? Please do not continue if you wish to avoid spoilers (While this doesn't contain spoilers for the Listen Series, it is about characters from the series).

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Cammie Goode POV / Timeline: Sometime after the last GG book in the series, but before The Listen Series (about characters of the Listen Series, Matt is maybe eleven? Alice and Maggie eight-ish?

Oct. 18th | Taking the Kids Trick or Treating:

Zach is tugging her hand down the hallway, her eyelids are heavy, her feet heavier, and she suppresses a yawn. They've been up for forty-eight hours and he's insisting on moving at a pace her groggy body can't catch up with.

"Zach, slow down."

He looks back, his frown present for only a second before he's smiling like a kid, "We gotta get home and get them in their costumes and get out before all the good candy is gone."

She shakes her head, "You know the candy is in fact, for our children , not you, despite what you've somehow managed to convince yourself."

His turn to shake his head, pushing open the doors, and sighing, "Cammie, Cammie, Cammie, you underestimate me once again."

She slides into the passenger seat of the car as he closes the door, and she waits for him to elaborate but he drives silently, still far too excited for a grown man on Halloween.

She finally gives, resting her chin in her hand on the console, "How have I underestimated you this time, Mr. Goode?"

He grins, "Well, Mrs. Goode , I'm glad you asked."

He turns down a random street, their need to drive home in different patterns never failing to make her queasy and she pushes the thought away as he continues.

He turns again, this time without the use of his blinker, "While you are correct, the candy is in fact, for our children, little Matthew and Morgan have absolutely no fathomable idea of the amount of candy they're going to receive tonight."

She rolls her eyes but continues to indulge his theatrics, she did have years of practice with Bex first, after all.

He continues, his hands gesturing as he talks, "Their sweet, little, child filled wonder will see the buckets and buckets of candy, and they'll try to eat it all, but eventually, they are going to pass out. And, well, how are they going to know if a few pieces go missing? In the morning when they wake up, there will still be a large pile of candy."

She wants to foil his plan and remind him that their children are not normal children. That Matt and Maggie have grown a lot in just a year, learning more about their lifestyles, their work, and putting their natural spy abilities to better use for shenanigans. That, Matt and Maggie will most likely be able to count and know exactly how many of each piece of candy they have from just a lingering glance before bed. That they will definitely know that he ate some of theirs, but she glances at his smile and she holds her tongue.

As they pull into their driveway and rush up the steps, Zach flings the door open and she shakes her head again.

He's greeted by three kids, all racing towards him. A princess of the galaxy (for the third year in a row), a zombie (Alice insisted despite Liz's protests) and a cowboy (suspiciously dressed similarly to Woody in Toy Story, despite arguing against such a notion. Matt sighing, "That's a kids movie mom").

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