Blanket Fort

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Cammie Morgan POV / Timeline: Winter break during the girls 7th grade year (so technically pre Gallagher Girls series)

A request for Cammie x Bex ( I went platonic on this one friends) and also, somehow Christmas came out instead of October vibes? I don't know, I don't make the rules. Farm location of Hay Springs, Nebraska is from Sarah Coury's Full Circle, and I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry for bringing Matthew Morgan's death into this.

Oct. 15th | Blanket Forts:

The Pros and Cons of Spending Your Winter Break With Your New Best Friend:

A list by Cameron Morgan

Pro: Bex Baxter is the coolest person you'll ever meet.

Con: It's only a matter of time before she realizes how absolutely uncool you are when she sees how you spend your holidays compared to others and finds a new best friend.

Pro: Bex has flown to a lot of different places and spent a lot of different time on planes so she knows all the perfect tricks for flying.

Con: No matter what Bex tries, your hair and flying just don't mix.

Pro: You have one more person to eat all of the food and desserts Grandma Morgan makes so you won't be uncomfortably stuffed.

Con: Bex dares you to eat more cookies, so you're still incredibly and uncomfortably stuffed.

Pro: You have a friend who's also missing family, and you can both try to pretend it's the same.

Con: It's the first Christmas without dad. And it really isn't the same.

I felt a nudge on my shoulder and jumped, almost dropping the picture frame in my hand.

Bex glanced at it then up at me, "Do you wanna talk about it?"

I set the picture of my dad back on the mantle and shook my head, trying not to cry, "Not really, no."

She looked around and smiled, "I have an idea."

I sighed, "Oh boy."

She put her hands on her hips, "A little more enthusiasm would be appreciated."

I mirrored her stance and put a fake smile on my face and yelled, "Oh boy!"

She nodded, "Excellent. I am in need of as many blankets as you can find."

I frowned, "Bex, I-"

She shoo'd me away with her hands, "Go, go, go, quickly, this is time sensitive."

I highly doubted anything that happened in Hay Springs, Nebraska was time sensitive but I was happy for the distraction. I started throwing blankets down the stairs in heaps to her and I paused at the last room of the hallway. Normally it was the room I stayed in, but I couldn't bring myself to enter it and had stayed on the pullout with Bex.

I nudged open the door and looked around.

Dad's room.

My fingers brushed over the army soldiers, the baseball cards and the deck of playing cards on the dresser. The framed picture of his high school graduation and I stopped, seeing a picture tucked into the frame and I pulled.

It was my mom and dad and my Aunt Abby in front of a Hay Springs sign. My Aunt with a giant funnel cake, my dad with a chocolate covered something and my mom just smiling.

I brushed over my dad's face and I heard Bex calling from the stairs, "You don't seem to be heading my time sensitive warning!"

I dropped the picture and wiped at my eyes, pulling the door closed behind me and running down the stairs.

"Sorry, bathroom."

Bex looked at me and we both knew it was a lie, but she handed me a corner of the blanket and instructed my movements.

Soon half of the living room was covered in a blanket fort and she was throwing pillows inside. She tossed me the remote, "Find something good?"

I flipped through the channels until landing on something that seemed promising, snow and two people looking at each other across a street.

Bex fell beside me, a plate full of cookies, "Oh good, I love these cheesy ones. How much you wanna bet she's returning to her small town, that's her," she paused and squinted, "best friend who got hotter and stayed in that town?"

I looked at the man grinning at the woman, and stuck out my hand, "Best friend's brother."

Bex grinned and we shook, both of us stealing a cookie off of the plate and holding our breath and then groaning when it was revealed that it was her twin sister's ex-fiancé.

The rest of the movies were the same, Bex and I eating too many cookies and betting on the cheesy plots the rest of the evening. I found a small piece of happiness, a little distraction, a little hope that maybe this girl was going to stick by my side and be there for me when it felt like I was alone.

I nudged her shoulder as she scoffed and then boo'd at the TV and she stopped, looking at me.

"Thank you Bex," I whispered, trying not to cry.

She wrapped her arm around me, "Anytime, Cam. Anytime."

We cuddled closer, she narrated the movie and I let a few tears fall from my eyes.

Pro: Rebecca Baxter may be the best friend you'll ever have.

Con: Your dad will never get to meet her. 

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