Author Notes:

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Hey! Thanks for making it this far friend.

I hope you enjoyed the little stories I wrote over the course of this past month. To be honest, writing fanfiction has been pulling me out of my own stuff I'm going through, bringing me light in a much needed time. 

While this was started as a silly little project to practice writing, to give me another thing to do to keep myself busy, it ended up being much more than that. It gave me confidence in my writing, it kept me motivated, brought me hope, and it was just something fun. To add to that, anytime someone interacted with any of these stories (Tumblr, Ao3, or sending requests), truly made my entire day, week, month, and year. Someone out there is reading what I'm writing and liking it? Crazy. Amazing. Genuinely touched & emotional girl over here.

Anyways, I just wanted to say thanks for putting up with the daily posting/spamming/delays in posting/and the new girl to writing fanfiction for this series. I don't plan to go anywhere anytime soon, and I hope you're ready for more things coming soon. 

I'd tell you all I love you, but then I'd have to kill you 💜


A superb coffee drinker and subpar writer 

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