"I'm Cold"

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Morgan Goode POV / Timeline: Sometime after the last book in the listen series, "Over and Run With"

Oct. 8th | "I'm Cold"

It started slowly, so much as a slight shiver, and he was pulling her closer, wrapping more blankets around her, or giving her his jacket.

It was usually his jacket though, off of his shoulders before she could even say she was cold. He had always been able to read her, so it shouldn't have come as a surprise, but the thought of being cold would enter her mind and his jacket would be draped over her shoulders a mere seconds later.

It wasn't until years later, standing on a bridge in Romania on their honeymoon that she figured out why.

She shivered as they walked across it and his jacket was already being shrugged off and she stopped him, her hand on his chest, "Why do you always do that?"

He stopped, pulling his lip in, "Do what?"

She leveled him with her best 'Really?' look and he sighed, looking around at the bridge, his eyebrows furrowed and his lip between his teeth.

She gasped, it all clicking into place for her, "Oh my god."

He rubbed her arms up and down, his forehead pressing to hers, as her eyes filled with tears and he whispered, "I should have given you my coat then. I should have done a lot of things a lot sooner, Morgan."

She shook her head, "I didn't make it easy on you," she patted his shoulders, smiling slightly, "I am cold though..."

He grinned and slipped the coat off, draping it over her shoulders and kissing her softly, holding her chin, "Not on my watch Mrs. Goode."

She took his hand and kept walking, "Holding you to that, Mr. Goode."

And she knew she would never be cold with Luke around, a small but significant truth to hold steady to.

And a few years later, sitting on a bench hand in hand, she knew she wasn't the only one who would never be cold with him around.

The air was crisp, the smell of damp leaves kicked up by the wind that blew through the park. She shivered and as he pulled his jacket off, ready to give it to her, she pulled the blanket around tighter to the sleeping two year old in her arms.

Jacket in hand, he stood, ready to drape it over her shoulders, but a small laugh running towards the pair of them stopped him.

The brown haired, brown eyed three year old ran right into his legs, blinking up at him. She giggled and he touched her nose, pink from the chill in the air and then straightened her winter hat, "Hi cutie."

She giggled again and tugged at his legs, her eyes growing big as they blinked up at him, her lip sticking out, "Daddy, I'm cold."

He looked at his jacket, then at Morgan who grinned and nodded and he bent down, draping his big coat over her shoulders and she smiled as he kissed her forehead, "Not on my watch Collins."

She beamed at him, "Thank you Daddy!" and ran off, his coat dragging on the ground behind her.

He settled on the bench again, wrapping his arms around her and kissed her temple and looked down at their second daughter and sighed, "Guess I'm going to have to buy some more coats."

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