Sleepy Cold Mornings (Pt. 2)

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Cammie POV / Timeline: Sometime after the last Gallagher Girls book, "United We Spy"

This prompt was requested by anon on tumblr for Macey and Cammie, author's choice for platonic and romantic and well, I chose to write one for both! See previous part for non romantic pairing.

Oct. 5th | Sleepy Cold Mornings (Pt. 2)

 Lazily waking up on a Saturday morning may be one of her favorite things. The covers were drawn tight around her shoulders, her nose sticking out against the chill in the room from the open window. She blinked open her eyes to see the sheer cream curtain blowing in the soft morning light and wind, the hints of gold and burnt oranges against the gray sky peeking through.

She stretched out her arms and legs, her arms under the cool pillow and her bare legs stretching down to the foot of the bed, letting a small, content sigh leave her lips. She slowly rubbed her eyes, glancing down and remembering the shirt she was clothed in was not her own. The soft plain cotton of Macey's t-shirt falling against her skin and reminding her just how she was waking up on this particular Saturday.

She rolled to her side slowly, taking in the sleeping figure next to her. Her black hair was still as shiny as ever but it was longer now, falling over her shoulders and down her bare back, her small tattoo on her left shoulder exposed. She blushed and bit her lip, thinking about how Macey McHenry was asleep naked in her bed and she was wearing her shirt.

She scooted closer to her warmth, her fingers trailing down the center of her spine and she kissed the tattoo softly, her fingers moving to trace the outline of the birds.

Macey shivered and smirked, one of her bright blue eyes opening to peek at her, "Good morning."

She smiled and laid her head down on the pillow next to her, "Good morning," her fingers kept trailing down Macey's back and Macey's eyes drifted closed again, her breathing falling even soon after.

She decided to let her sleep, pulling the covers closer over her and starting to slip out of the bed, a hand grabbing her wrist. She turned back and Macey was sitting up, holding the blanket to her chest, her eyes wide, "Where are you going?"

She took in the look in her eyes, the fear and the hope and the sleep and she smiled softly at her, "Just to go make us some coffee."

Macey smiled, more shy than she had ever seen her, her normal confidence lost, pulling her back, her fingers running up her arm, "Coffee can wait, can't it?"

She shivered at her touch and Macey smiled, pulling her back under the covers, her fingers moving up to her hair, some of her confidence returning, "See? You're cold. Stay under the covers with me?"

She took a deep breath, finally understanding that this was real, she didn't make last night up and she reached out, touching Macey's jaw. She slowly curled closer to her, her other hand trailing down her neck, her shoulders, and landing at her waist, but not before stopping and brushing all of her new marks she had given her last night.

Macey's nose brushed her jaw, then her lips trailed down it, "Besides, you and I both know you're terrible at making the coffee Cam."

As Macey's lips pushed against hers softly she decided that maybe this was actually one of her favorite things. 

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