Raking Leaves

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Matthew Morgan POV / Timeline: Takes place before the Gallagher Girls series, Cammie is maybe three?

Oct. 23rd | Raking Leaves:

Autumn was a lot different on the farm than in D.C.

Nowadays there wasn't much to do. Sure, Cammie's preschool had her make fall themed crafts that decorated their front door and fridge. They had carved pumpkins, and of course, preparing for trick or treating. But there really wasn't much to do for chores, seeing as how they didn't really have a yard. There wasn't much to prepare for in D.C.

In Nebraska, October was full of preparations for the Fall Festival, taste testing his mama's pies, hanging up Christmas lights well before Halloween or Thanksgiving because the wind and frost might make it impossible any later.

Not to mention the chores. Preparing the barns for winter, harvesting the crops, and the raking. Their front yard had two large walnut trees, and the raking of leaves seemed to be endless.

Which is what he was currently doing, Rachel, Cammie and himself making the trip out to visit for the Fall Festival and him falling back into his chores like he was a kid still.

He looked at the large pile of leaves and Rachel leaned on the porch, a cup of coffee in her hands, "Why are you making that big pile? Shouldn't you be bagging them? Or using them for compost in the garden?"

He wiped the back of his hand against his forehead and leaned on the rake, "Well yeah, but ya gotta jump in the leaves before you do that. That's the best part of raking."

She shook her head, her coffee cup pausing before her lips, "What?"

He dropped the rake, hands on his hips, "Rachel, honey, please do not tell me you've never jumped in a leaf pile."

She smiled, "Matthew, sweetie , I have never jumped in a leaf pile."

He shook his head and then stared up at the sky, "I cannot believe this," he started towards her, "Unacceptable."

As he stepped up to her, he held his hand out, "Please, ma'lady, will you jump in the leaf pile with me?"

She set the coffee mug down on the railing, "Matt, we're too old."

"Pshaw," he shook his head, "Never too old for fun."

The porch door swung open, Cammie in the arms of his mom, reaching out for them and laughing.

He pointed, before grabbing Cammie, "Cammie wants to too," he kissed her head, "Don't ya sweet pea?"

She giggled and nodded.

Rachel smiled and took his hand, the three of them approaching the pile and he set Cammie down, both of them taking her hands.

He looked over at Rachel, grinning, "Mark the day folks, Rachel Morgan and Cameron Morgan's first leaf pile jump."

She rolled her eyes and they swung Cammie's arms as he counted, "One...two...three!"

The three jumped into the pile, lifting Cammie higher as she shrieked and giggled. He looked over to see Rachel laughing, her head thrown back in the leaves. He didn't think there was a more beautiful sight in the world than Rachel laughing with leaves in her hair.

He leaned over and pulled a twig out of her hair and she sighed, "Alright, Nebraska. You got me. Very fun."

He leaned in and kissed her gently, Cammie's hands on their faces, interrupting, "Again! Again!"

He picked her up and Rachel sat up, this time they took a running start and he threw her into the pile, she landed with a giggle next to Rachel who tickled her.

Autumn may look a lot different nowadays, but he loves it. His chest filled with warmth as Cammie and Rachel jumped out and ran towards the pile together, landing next to him.

He was planting a tree in their tiny yard as soon as he got home to D.C, raking leaves needed to be something they would all do together for many years to come.

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