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Part One also has mild spoilers for Full Circle by Sarah (the past gen fanfic series for Gallagher girls) Haven't read Gallagher Girls or The Listen Series? Please do not continue if you wish to avoid spoilers.

As always, please don't hesitate to reach out. Comments, feedback and any interaction are appreciated and loved!

Abigail Cameron POV / Timeline: Part 1 is Abby at school / Part 2 is Cammie is young / Part 3 takes place sometime between Gallagher Girls book 3 and book 5 / Part 4 is the summer after the last book of the Listen Series

Did I take mild inspiration from my two current hyperfixations: Taylor Swift's Midnights and Stranger Things? Yes. Abigail Cameron is tired of the 1950s bullshit they want from her. Also picture Nancy Wheeler saying Bullshit. It's All Bullshit. Enjoy (No hard feelings towards knitting and these lovely crafts and art - I do love them, just had a feeling Abby wouldn't).

Oct. 28th | Knitting:

Part 1: 1950s Bullshit They Want From Her

Abigail Cameron detested crocheting, knitting, embroidery - any form of some 1950s shit they wanted from her. It was bad enough she had to learn how to ballroom dance. Sure, it all made for great covers and knitting needles made great emergency weapons, but did the boys have to learn this crap?

In the headmistress' office once again for refusing to turn in a needlework project.

"Abigail, you understood what coming to this school meant. Gallagher girls thrive under the guise of being boarding school students. Of being underestimated. I understand your frustration with these..." the headmistress paused, throwing her hand up in the air, "Outdated? Lessons. I understand. Truly I do. But if you refuse one more assignment we'll have reconsider your admission to the academy."

Abby played with a loose thread on her skirt, mumbling under breath.

"What was that?"

She looked up to see the glasses of her Headmistress on the end of her nose, staring at her over the tops of them like she knew exactly what she said.

Abby stood, "You heard me. I said this is bullshit ."

"Ms. Cameron, I suggest you-"

Abby stomped, like a toddler, she knew it, but she was so over this, "Bullshit, bullshit, bullshit! It's all bullshit!"

She stormed out, hoping they would kick her out of this school. She should be home. She should be with her mother right now, not learning some stupid outdated lady like bullshit lesson.

Part 2: Knitting is Fu-flufferknutting hard Rachel

Abby held up the piece of yarn that was somehow in the middle of the hat she was trying to make.

"Abby no don't-"

Rachel's warning was far too late. Abby was already pulling it, unraveling her entire project in mere seconds compared to the hours she had spent working on it.

Bullshit. It was all bullshit.

She threw the yarn and needles across the room, "I hate this! I told you I didn't want to do this Rachel. Knitting is fu-"

She stopped herself, looking down at her niece who was coloring away, smiling and cleared her throat, "Flufferknutting hard ."

Rachel had kept her pace with her needles, ignoring the outburst, "Well maybe if you had worked harder on it during school..."

Abby rolled her eyes, thanking the lord for Matt's interjection from the kitchen, as he brought her a beer and a brownie.

He kissed the top of Rachel's head, "We can't all just pick up coursework like you can Rachel."

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