Coffee Date (Part 2)

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Tina Walters POV / Timeline: Sometime after the Gallagher Girls series ends.

A request for TinaxMacey (romantic) that I just couldn't say no to. I hope you enjoy! (Also, since Johnny Castle the cat has been made canon, I introduce you to Gracie Hart the goldfish). 

Oct. 30th | Coffee Date (Pt. 2):

Tina had changed her shirt twelve times. Her shoes five. The decision of a headband or not was currently on a number she couldn't remember anymore as she yanked it out of her hair.

She took a deep breath. In through her nose and out through her mouth.

You're just getting coffee. Relax . It's not like it was explicitly a date. Just two friends catching up. Getting a coffee. Friends .

But Macey had winked at her. And brushed her hand before she left. And Cammie had given her a look .

Was this a date?

She grabbed her purse and coat and promised her fish, Gracie Hart, that she'd be back soon with all the details.

When she made her way into the park, her boots kicked up the now brown and glistening leaves from the earlier rain, the sun making its way through the leaves as the park awoke in its morning light.


She looked up to see Macey waving with her fingers, two cups of coffee in her hands. She smiled at her and waved back.

As she approached she noticed the heels, the lipstick, the curled hair, her heart speeding up.

Macey offered a cup out, "I hope a mocha is still your order, I have just a black coffee if it's not, or we could go back and get you something different, but the line was really long and I know you have to get to work-"

Tina grabbed the cup, a wide smile, "Still a mocha. You remembered that?"

Macey nodded, a knowing smile on her face, "Kinda hard not to notice things ever since I had this teacher who ingrained it in my brain from almost the minute I stepped up those grand stairs."

The girls started walking slowly through the park, taking sips of their drinks at the same time and then opening their mouths and speaking simultaneously.

"So, are you seeing anyone?"

"What brings you into New York?"

Tina stopped. Did she hear Macey's question properly? Did she ask her if she was seeing anyone?"

Macey slowed her pace, turning to look back at her with a small smile on her face, "You good Walters?"

Tina nodded, "Did you..."

Macey waited, a smirk on her perfectly matched shade of lipstick hiding behind the lip of her cup.

Tina couldn't take it anymore and blurted, "Is this a date?"

Macey laughed, "Oh Tina, how can you be so observant of everyone's love life but your own?"

Macey started to walk again, her back to Tina but her voice clear and crisp, "I'd like it to be a date. Do you want it to be a date?"

Oh, she very much wanted it to be a date.

Macey continued, "Because if not, then this is just two friends catching up over coffee. But, if it were a date, then I'd maybe ask you for your number. Maybe I'd take you on another one. Maybe I'd kiss you at the end of this one."

Tina had caught up to her, her voice quiet, "I'd love it if it were a date."

Macey looked at her out of the corner of her eye and grinned, her hand slipping into hers, "Cool. Can I have your number?"


"Can I take you on another date? Dinner and a movie on Friday night? They're showing Dirty Dancing at the old theater by my apartment."


Macey stopped, "Can I kiss-"

Tina wrapped her arm around her waist and pulled her in closely, her lips soft against Macey's, breaking away and letting out a quiet and breathy, "Yes."

Macey's thumb came up, brushing Tina's bottom lip softly, rubbing her smudged lipstick away, "There's the Tina I remember."

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