Coffee Date (Part 1)

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Alice Anderson POV / Timeline: This takes place maybe during "The Sleuth Will Set You Free" the fourth book in the Listen Series. Heavily inspired by Book 3.5 "Top Secret: The Alice Anderson Files"

This is part 1 for this prompt, as I recieved a request for this prompt for a different pairing, but I couldn't not share this because I actually had this one planned and written before the month even started. Hope you enjoy! Stay tuned for Part 2: Macey McHenry and Tina Walters go on a coffee date...

Oct. 30th | Coffee Date (Pt. 1):

Alice Anderson was going on a date.

A real, guy picking her up, walking up the front steps, maybe a bouquet of flowers in his hands, meeting the parents date.

Well, okay, so she was sneaking out and meeting him, he wasn't exactly picking her up.

And he definitely wasn't meeting her parents yet.

And if he did have flowers for her, she wouldn't be able to bring them back...

But it was still a date.

A date in which the only expectation was coffee. He wasn't expecting to kiss her (however, he was a great kisser and if kissing happened to happen she wouldn't be complaining) and they were just going to spend time together.

She ran her hands over her skirt nervously before walking into the coffee shop, her lips splitting into a wide grin at the sight of Finn O'Reiley already sitting at a table by the window with Bruiser. He chose the seat so he could be facing the shop, able to hear everything, leaving one for her to be able to see out the window and the reflections of the shop.

Finn knew what he was doing. Not only was he excellent at choosing optimal seating in terms of their espionage training, but he was dressed extremely well for a date. He had dark jeans on and a gray sweater and his vibrant hair was darker in the dim coffee shop lights, curling slightly from something he must have put in it.

Okay, so maybe they would definitely kiss a little.

She approached the table and cleared her throat, "Come here often?"

Bruiser weaved his way between her legs and she laughed, bending down to pet him, only because Finn was okay with her doing so now.

He smiled and stood, reaching out for her hand and grabbing it, kissing her wrist before squeezing her fingers, "Hi Alice."

She felt her cheeks warm and when he leaned in closer she let her lips slot into his and he pulled away and he whispered, "This is my first date, how am I doing?"

She could cry right there in that coffee shop, but instead she bit her lip and nodded even though he couldn't see her, "It's my first one too, so I'd say pretty good."

He smiled, "I'm truly honored to be the first one to take Alice Anderson on a date then," he pulled away and she immediately missed the warmth of his hand in hers.

He was pulling out something from his back pocket, "I knew you couldn't really take a bouquet of flowers back with you but uh...nope, you know what, this is stupid."

He started shoving whatever it was back in his pocket and she pulled on his arm, "Oh no you don't, what? What is it?"

She pulled a small sketchbook from his hands, decorated in wildflowers and pressed between the front cover were flowers from the lake. Their lake. Their spot.

She whispered, "Thank you. Really."

He smiled and pulled her chair out for her, "What do you want to drink?"

She started to get up, "No, I can get it, you sit and-"

He kissed her lips, interrupting her, his thumb on her chin, sliding over her jaw and then pushing her curls behind her ear.

He pulled away, his forehead to hers and she knew he could absolutely hear and feel how her heart was about to break out of her chest.

"Please let me buy your coffee?"

She nodded against his face, pulling him back into another quick kiss, "A latte please. Vanilla."

He grinned, "One vanilla latte coming right up."

She watched him make his way to the counter with Bruiser at his heels and she pressed her hands to her cheeks.

When he returned with their drinks and a delicious looking piece of desert and two forks she was consumed with the overwhelming thought that Finn O'Reiley would not only be her first date, but he'd be the only one to ever take her on one for the rest of her life. 

A Gallagher Girls & The Listen Series PromptoberWhere stories live. Discover now