Gemini POV

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It had been weeks since Scott and Erin's disappearance. Time to address it.

I still hadn't gotten used to being partially frozen. I was constantly cold. Most of the day I'd sit right up against my fireplace wrapped in a blanket, but that didn't help much. I used my staff as a walking stick most of the time to support myself.

I had called all the rulers to the Crystal Cliffs. Even Pixl came.

Every empire had a meeting room, mine happed to be in a building built right into the side of the mountain in Azurite.

Thanks to Joel's stupid rule we were all forced to wear a replica of his crown, just a little less extravagant. He also insisted we all call each other Joel. Not gonna happen.

All the rulers looked either nervous, angry or impatient. As soon as I entered the room, Fwhip instantly got up and helped me into the seat at the head of the table. "Fwhip- Fwhip I'm fine." I insisted but he helped anyways.

Almost everyone stared at me in shock.

"Gem, what happened?" Lizzie asked.

"That's what we're here to talk about." I sighed. "Scott and Erin have abandoned the Elven Empire."

"What?" Pixl asked. "Why?"

"Scott has- Scott has gone rogue." I said, finally admitting it to myself. "He accidentally froze Rivendale over, and... me. No one has seen him or his sister in almost two months."

I saw Jimmy biting his thumbnail. He must be anxious about Scott. I mean, they are dating. Or they were.

"We've decided to put an official warrant on their arrest." Fwhip said. "We need to find them. Who knows if this winter will spread if we can't find Scott?"

"I say we set fire to Rivendale to draw them in and then trap them!" Joey said with a manic look in his eyes.

"Joey, we are not committing the arson of an entire city just to find two people." Katherine sighed. "They'll show up eventually."

"But what if they don't?" Joel asked. "What will happen to Gem-Joel?"

I squeezed the bridge of my nose. Scott's habit had rubbed off on me. "Just Gem. Please. And I'll be fine. I'm working on it."

"You're getting worse." Sausage said. "Not better."

"Yeah, for once, Sausage is right." Pearl said with a look of concern. Sausage looked offended.

"Excuse me? For once?" He asked. We all ignored him.

"Scott and Erin are officially outlaws." Fwhip cut in. "I say permission to kill the girl on sight."

"What? No!" Jimmy said and stood up. "We still don't know why they did it. There could be a perfectly good explanation-"

"I agree. No killing." I said. "But we need to contain them. Arrest is the best we can do." I shivered and clutched the arm of my chair. "Council dismissed."

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