Chapter 56: Gemini POV

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Hours later, just past midnight, we were gliding over the valleys of the Overgrown.

The village of Hyacinth came into view, along with House Blossom's castle. We began to fly in circles, getting ready to land, quite close to the apothecary. It would be much better to care for them there instead of the hospital, so we wouldn't disturb the citizens currently there.

"Gem?" Scott asked as we were getting closer. I was a bit surprised; he hadn't talked the entire flight.

"What?" I asked, trying to concentrate on not trampling any of the houses or trees as we landed.

"I'm not supposed to get dizzy, right?"

I whipped around to look at him, pulling a muscle in my neck. "You're getting dizzy!?" I asked frantically. He blinked rapidly a few times.

"I- I didn't say that." He said, his voice slurring for a moment, in the beginning.

I felt frantic for a moment. Blood loss. "You are a horrible liar." I said. "We're landing, hold on." I turned back around, gripping the reigns tighter. We had to get him to the apothecary. As soon as we hit the ground, I slid off the saddle and sprinted over to where Katherine was landing.

Katherine got down carefully, helping Shrub down as well, before turning towards me. "Is there a problem?" she asked.

"Scott says he's getting dizzy, we need to get him to help." I replied, a bit frantically.

Katherine's face turned grim, but she nodded. "Shrub, I'm going to need you to help everyone to the apothecary while we rush Scott there, okay?" She said. "Joey, you help."

Then she followed me to the dragon. Scott was still seating in the saddle, holding on tightly to his sister and glancing down nervously. "Let her down." I said, holding my arms up, ready to help the girl from the dragon. Scott slowly lowered her from the saddle from under her arms, and I held her in my arms. She was surprisingly light, considering her heavy dragon wings.

Scott began to clamber down, wincing as he placed his foot in the stirrup and lowered himself down. As soon as he hit the ground, frost spread from his feet, covering the grass that grew up to our ankles.

"Come on, quick." Katherine said, helping Scott towards the path ahead of everyone.

"Wha-" He started as Katherine pulled him along. "What's going on?"

"You're losing too much blood. We need to get you to the apothecary for proper treatment." The fairy answered as the white stone building came into sight.

Once we got to the building, I shoved the door open with my shoulder, letting Katherine bring Scott inside. The lights were on. "Lav? El?" Katherine called with a puzzled expression.

There were footsteps, it sounded as if they were coming from upstairs. Then, a girl came down the staircase behind the apothecary desk. She looked very similar to her other sister that was here when Katherine helped cure me. Was Ella her name? She looked as if she were in her late teens, her golden blonde hair was in a bun on top of her head, and she was wearing a pair of mud-stained denim pants. "Hey Kat- wait weren't you-" she started, but her gaze landed on Scott, and Phoenix in my arms. "Wha-"

"As you can see, we're back." Katherine said, a little out of breath from dragging Scott over here. "Since you're here, I need more of the collapsible hospital beds from upstairs, and I'll need you to get antibacterial wipes and materials to clean up wounds, give stitches and prepare a blood transfusion. Everyone's coming in here and most of them need help. Send a message to Ella too to see if she's awake and ask if she can bring the blood bags from the hospital."

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