Chapter 13: Scott POV

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It was March 7th.

Normally, an elven king would wear the formal robes, but I didn't feel like it. I clipped on my cloak and slid my sword into its sheathe. I know it said no weapons...but I don't trust Fwhip.

Erin pulled her wings tightly to her back with a corset. She couldn't fly yet anyways from the explosion burns. Then she smothered her face in makeup to hide her markings. She needed to blend in if this plan was going to work. Although her hair would stick out like a sore thumb.

"You ready?" Erin asked.

"Of course." I smirked.

I had to carry Erin to the Grimlands, but she didn't seem to mind that much this time. We landed close to the mansion. Erin pulled a black hood over her head and concealed her daggers in her corset.

"Good luck." She said and disappeared into the shadows of an alleyway.

I checked my watch. It was three. I was going to be late. Perfect. I strutted towards the mansion. All the people I saw got out of my way.

I didn't knock on the door. I just opened it and continued down the hall into the meeting room. I remembered where it was from my childhood. My parents had brought me to one. I ended up unconscious, but I still knew where the room was.

I slammed the doors open. All 11 other rulers were sitting around the table. They stared at me in absolute shock.

"Am I late?" I smirked.

I saw Fwhip and Gem exchange a nervous look. Gem looked worse than the last time I saw her. Frost covered her skin in patches and her fingertips were blue. We were matching.

I slid into the only free chair, across from Fwhip and right next to Shrub. I eyed the Xornoth crystal hanging around her neck.

"Yes, you are late." Fwhip said and his eyes narrowed. "Glad you could finally join us, Scott."

I leaned on the table with my elbows toward Fwhip. "No. You're not glad." I said and then leaned back in my chair, crossing my arms. "But whatever you say."

Katherine shot a warning glance to Fwhip. Her eyes said everything. Don't make him mad. Fwhip bit back what he was going to say, "Well, now that everyone's here we can actually start the meeting."

"Oh, you could have started without me." I said. "I'm sure it's going to be boring anyways."

"Then why'd you come?" Fwhip growled.

"I have a bone to pick with you." I said.

"Oh, you have a problem with me ice boy?" Fwhip asked. "You're the one who's destroyed an entire kingdom! And is currently killing a ruler!"

"Yeah. By accident." I said. "Imagine what I could do if I actually tried...?" A sharp shard of ice shot from my wrist and I caught it, brandishing it like a knife.

I had tried not to look at Jimmy, but I couldn't help it. He looked absolutely horrified. And for some reason, that made me want to laugh.

"This is exactly what we were trying to stop!" Fwhip cried.

"By trying to blow me and Erin up?" I asked and stood up, dropping the ice. I gripped the edge of the table, and it froze around my fingertips. Everyone looked at each other in confusion. "Oh yeah. Lord Sausage and Count Fwhip over here rigged two buildings in my empire to blow. It almost killed Erin."

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