Chapter 28: Erin POV

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The general was at our front door.

Scott was talking to him, and I was spying on their conversation from around the staircase. I could hear what they were saying from my magnificent hiding spot, but unfortunately, they were speaking in elvish. But I could read their facial expressions.

The general looked grim. Scott looked puzzled, then slightly shocked. Finally, Scott nodded and shut the door. He started walking towards me and I jumped out from my hiding spot.

Scott shrieked and jumped back. "WHAT'RE YOU DOING?"

"Haha, you scream like a girl." I snickered. "What'd he say?"

Scott was still recovering from my scare, but he bit his lip. "The rulers are on their side of the chasm. Alone. They request I come over and negotiate."

"Well, there is no way in hell you're going alone." I said and crossed my arms. "They'll murder you in seconds."

"Thanks for the support." He answered flatly. "I just don't know what they want...they've only been here a couple days and it seems like they already want to end it."

"Well, we have taken the lives of over half their army already." I shrugged.

Scott blinked. "Seriously?"

"Yeah. Our army's skilled. Haven't you noticed? Also, me. Have you met me?"

"Right... Well, we're meeting them at sundown." He said.



"Yeah. Its short for alright."

"Why don't you just say alright?" Scott asked.

"It's- never mind." I sighed. "We'll meet them at sundown and see what they want."

Armor time.

I pulled on my shoulder guards, breastplate, and boots. They were all made of a silver tungsten alloy, whatever that meant and had intricate elven runes and details that looked like they had been charred into the metal. The edges of the shoulder guards and boots came to a point right above my elbows and knees, so I could stab people without an actual weapon. Of course, I'd probably end up stabbing myself with them, so they were blunted.

Me and Scott had already formed a plan. I opened a window and dove out of it, spiraling out into the air and towards the chasm.

I landed on the opposite side of the chasm, barely 30 feet in front of the rulers. Shrub was here today, and riding a humungous wolf, the size of a large pony. "Hello your majesties." I smirked as I gave them a little mock bow. I saw the crystal on Gem's staff flicker slightly.

"We asked for Scott. Alone." She said, her eyes narrowing.

"Oh, he's coming. But do you really think you could get rid of me that easily?" I asked with my hands on my hips.

I saw Katherine glance nervously at the lines of elves we had on the rooves of the city, all armed with bows.

"Tell your armies to stand down. We've told ours to." Katherine said.

"Oh, you've forgotten. This is our turf. We can do whatever we want." I smirked. Fwhip grit his teeth and I saw his hand clench around his sword hilt, still inside his scabbard. I followed his movement except, grabbing my dagger hilt. "You don't want to go there Fwhip." I said, setting my jaw. "Unlike you, I'll have no hesitation killing anyone."

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