Chapter 65: Scott POV

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I arrived back and Jimmy's room.

I know, I could have just gone back to my own room after that night but- I couldn't. I kept making up excuses. I was too scared to have another nightmare, my room was too hot, things such as that.

But that wasn't the point. I sat down on the edge of the bed, still playing with Xornoth's crystal around my neck. Questions still swirled around my head, but deep down I felt a deep connection I had never noticed before, but it hit me that that was what I had been missing these years. My connection to the gods.

A thought that had somewhat plagued me years earlier after I found out I was the champion, came back. So, I thought I might try summoning Aeor. It had been done before in the legends, why not now? "A-Aeor?" I asked into the empty room, looking around.

One second, two seconds, three- A bright light suddenly flashed in front of me, and I screwed my eyes shut, throwing my arms in front of my face to shield myself from it.

I opened my eyes slowly, lowering my arms. There stood Aeor, just as he had less than an hour previously in the apothecary. "Yes?" he asked, raising an eyebrow at me expectantly.

"I...didn't actually expect that to work." I muttered the last part under my breath to myself, before looking back up at the god. "I- I have a question."

"Well then, ask away." Aeor replied, folding his hands behind his back.

I blinked, trying to find a way to string the words together for it to make sense. Finally, I asked the question that had been nagging at me since I discovered the prophecy. "Why don't I feel any connection to Alinar?"

Aeor raised both eyebrows at this, his eyes alight with a sort of curiosity at my question. "And why do you ask that?"

" the prophecy, it claimed I was Alinar's reincarnation. I've read on it that it was a superstition created by the followers of Mystique, but I hadn't thought it real till I found the prophecy. I researched more and found that if you attempted or tried hard enough, you could contact your past lives but...I haven't been able to." I explained, rubbing the back of my neck with the hand I wasn't holding the crystal with.

"Ah. Well, as you may now, the writer of the prophecy was elven." Aeor stated. "One that did not speak the language of the humans I might add. It had to be translated. You are your own person Scott, not a version of Alinar."

"What?" I asked, looking back up in surprise at his answer.

"It was lost in translations. You are not a reincarnation of my first champion, but a descendant." Aeor told me, and I was shocked.

"" I asked, realizing I was asking a bunch of questions, and swallowing a few more.

"Despite the pieces of the battle with his brother being cut out of history, do you by any chance remember the rest of Alinar's life? He was still an important figure in your history." Aeor said, now asking me a question.

I nodded slowly. "I think...?"

Aeor took a deep breath, only slightly exasperated with me and my queries. "Well, after reinstating a new set of laws to follow for the elves after all the chaos that ensued after Conal, Alinar settled down. Now, little know this, but Alinar's last name was Major. Now, also a small fact not many know, Alinar had a son named-"

"Avery Major..." I cut off in a hushed tone. "The first king of Rivendale."

"Exactly. You are not a reincarnation of Alinar, but a direct descendant considering that the Elven Empire is one of the only two which have never overthrown their rulers." Aeor said with a small nod.

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